
Lesen Sie dieses Buch
im deutschen Original!
Edited and published
by order of the Foreign Office
and based upon documentary evidence.

Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt.

Volk und Reich Verlag, Berlin © 1940. Second revised edition.
This digitized reprint © 2019 by The Scriptorium,
based on the original English translation as scanned, OCR'd and edited by JR of
PDF PDF for downloading © 2025 by

With the exception of Scriptorium's small location maps in the text, and the newspaper facsimiles in the Appendix, all illustrations are from the original.
***In a few cases, e.g. due to dated wording in this almost 80 year old translation, the original text needed clarification; all such editing by The Scriptorium is based on the German original and is indicated by [italicized text in square brackets].***

I.  Voices from Abroad
More than 58,000 Dead and Missing
II.  Sources of Information and Explanations
III.  Statement
a)  The German-Polish Situation up to the Outbreak of War
b)  The Polish Atrocity Policy
IV.  Documents
a)  Cases of Typical Atrocities
b)  Personal Accounts of Survivors of the Various Concentration Marches
V.  Report of the Medico-Legal Experts
VI.  Illustrations
a)  Documents
b)  Injuries, Mutilations, Mass Graves
c)  Arson, Pillage and Devastation
d)  Announcements of Dead and Missing
e)  Notices and Other Proofs
VII.  Illustrated Reports by Medico-Legal Experts
VIII.  Survey Map of Most Important Places of Murder
Added by The Scriptorium: Some Newspaper Reports

Books (most in German) on the Subject of
Polish Crimes Against the Ethnic Germans:

Death in Poland: The Fate of the Ethnic Germans

Die Hölle von Lamsdorf.
Dokumentation über ein polnisches Vernichtungslager

Eine Station auf dem schlesischen Leidensweg

(most in German)

Auf den Straßen des Todes: Leidensweg der Volksdeutschen in Polen

Der Bromberger Blutsonntag

Death in Poland: The Fate of the Ethnic Germans

Die deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen

Das Deutschtum in Kongreßpolen

Deutschtum in Not: Polen

Dokumente zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges

Höllenmarsch der Volksdeutschen in Polen

Long Night's Journey Into Day.
The Death March of Lowicz

Die polnische Presse
im Kampf gegen die deutsche Volksgruppe in Posen und Westpreußen

Unser Kampf in Polen.
Die Vorgeschichte - Strategische Einführung -
Politische und kriegerische Dokumente

Volksdeutsche Soldaten unter Polens Fahnen.
Tatsachenberichte von der anderen Front
aus dem Feldzug der 18 Tage

The Polish Atrocities
Against the German Minority in Poland.

Edited and published by order of the Foreign Office
and based upon documentary evidence.
Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt.