Appendix 4
Letter from Jan Masaryk to research director Max Weinreich,
dated May 5, 1942
Facsimile of
the English original
(click to enlarge - 58k):
May 5, 1942.
My dear Mr. Weinreich:
Pray forgive my delay to your interesting letter of April
14th. I was away from New York, hence
only to-day I am settling down to my correspondence.
I can understand that under the unprecedentedly tragic
circumstances that the heroic and sorely tried Jewish people find themselves in
to-day, Dr. Benes's mentioning the possibility of exchanging populations could
give rise to worry.
It has been my honor and pleasure to work for Benes for
the last twenty-five years and I know that when he speaks of "exchange of
populations" he means that within the realms of possibilities we
must - after this war - try to get rid of some of the Germans around the frontiers of
Germany who have never been much good to us and I do not think they will be a
great addition to Germany.
Naturally - there are some decent people among them. We will find who is who
when the war is over.
I would like to go on record, and you have my approval to
use this letter in any way you want to, in stating that Jews are certainly not
included in these as yet very hazy plans. And I have Dr. Benes's authority in
emphasizing this point.
I am off to a sanatorium to do a bit of a cure after seven
vacationless years. When I return to New York, I would like to discuss this
question in order to dispel any possible misgivings you and yours may still have
after reading this letter.
With cordial greetings,
Sincerely yours
[sgd.] Jan Masaryk
Max Weinreich, Esq.
Research Director
Yiddish Scientific Institute - YIVO
New York City.
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