Appendix 5
Expulsion Order of the Military Commandant of Bohemian Leipa,
June 14, 1945
Facsimile (click to
The inhabitants of German nationality, residing in the
municipalities of Bohemian
Leipa, Alt-Leipa and Niemes, irrespective of their age or sex, will leave their
apartments on June 15th, 1945 at 5 o'clock in the morning and march to the
rallying-point at the "Bräuhaus" of Ceske Lipe,
via Kreuz- and Bräuhaus-Strasse.
At Niemes they will gather at the junction, 200 metres to
the West of the railway bridge (street leading in the direction of
This order does not concern the following persons and
their families:
I. 1. doctors, veterinarians, apothecaries, nursing
personnel and the members of
the fire-brigade. 2. manufacturers and employees of the public supply
undertakings in operation. 3. black smiths, mechanics, employees of repairing
shops, tailors and shoemakers, still in business. 4. employees of factories and
enterprises in operation. 5. employees of the railway, post and other public
The persons quoted under 1-5 are to identify themselves
by means of a certificate stating their employment or business. Those absenting
themselves will be brought back and punished accordingly.
The transfer does not concern members of the
Communist or Socialdemocratic Parties who may prove their membership by
means of
a membership-card of the Party in question and who should also prove that they
have been persecuted, that is, imprisoned or dismissed from their offices by
reason of their political opinions and loyal attitude towards
Each individual to be transferred is permitted to take the
following: a) food for 7 days and b) the most necessary articles but only such as
he is able to carry
himself; c) identity-cards, passports, all ration cards together with
the household-"Stammkarte" (basic ration card).
Valuables: Gold, silver and all articles made of
these metals (rings, brooches etc.), gold and silver
coins, savings-bank deposit-books, insurance-policies, currency with the
exception of 100 RM per head and also cameras are to be tied up in small bags
or paper-packages with an exact list enclosed of the valuables in question and
giving the owner's address. These are to be delivered at
the rallying-points.
All are warned that they will be required to undergo a
thorough bodily examination (strip search). The contents of the luggage will also
be thoroughly examined. Any concealment of the articles mentioned above
whether in clothes, shoes or other places, such as in the hand luggage, will
therefore be useless and such conduct will be punished.
Domestic animals (pets) will be left at home, a list of the
animals together with the address and the keys will be delivered at
the rallying-points.
Immovables and furniture, such as industrial machines,
agricultural machines and tools will remain where they are. Any intentional
damaging of immovables or furniture will be severely punished. The delivery of
immovables and furniture to other persons for the purpose of preserving them
will likewise be punished. Keys: All doors to houses or rooms as well as to
outbuildings, to workshops or factories are to be locked on departure, the keys of
the buildings and individual rooms must be tied together and, furnished with the
exact address written on thick paper, attached to the keys by means of a string.
Before the rooms and buildings are left,
each front-door is to be locked and a slip of paper pasted on them in such a way
that it connects the two leaves of the door and covers
the key-hole. In houses in which some of the lodgers are permitted to remain,
only the doors of those dwellings evacuated are to be locked and the slips of
paper pasted on the doors. After the keys have been delivered all buildings
will immediately be searched by military or gendarmerie personnel. Persons not
entitled to stay, who deliberately failed to leave the buildings, must anticipate
severe punishment. Sick persons able to use public conveyances will be taken by
relatives or members of the household to
the rallying-point, whence the Red Cross will provide further transport.
Bohemian Leipa, June 14th, 1945.
The military commander: pplk. Voves e. h.
This order was posted on June 14 at 10 o'clock
i.e. after the official curfew for Germans,
so that the German inhabitants of Bohemian Leipa
did not even become aware of it until the morning of June 15th,
immediately before their expulsion.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten
Survivors speak out