
Illustrated Reports by Medico-Legal Experts

Murder victims, the Berger family.

Frau Hilde Berger, 24 years old.       Autopsy No. Br. 128 [OKW. H. S. In.]
Egon Berger, infant, 4 months.       Autopsy No. Br. 129 [OKW. H. S. In.]
Hermann Berger, husband, 26 years.       Autopsy No. Br. 130 [OKW. In.]

Murdered at Wiesenau, Hohensalza district.
All 3 persons killed in a cellar by throwing hand grenades,
the infant being in the arms of its mother.
The husband received moreover a coup de grâce shot penetrating
from the left side of the neck to the right accromiothoracic region.

The Polish Atrocities
Against the German Minority in Poland.

Edited and published by order of the Foreign Office
and based upon documentary evidence.
Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt.