Survey: translation of our German Archive into EnglishWe are at the beginning of a massive translation project that will see the entire contents of our German Archive translated into English and posted in our English Archive.
Obviously this will be a very long-term project and we thought that the best way to begin this work was to see what you, our readers, would be most interested in.
Below you will find a survey poll which lists all the books from our German Archive that have not already been translated. The titles are our tentative working titles rather than the German original titles in order to give non-German-speakers a rough idea of what each book is about. Unfortunately the limitations of the poll software do not allow for any detailed descriptions or links to the originals, but we hope that the working titles will suffice. German-speakers can check out the original publications in the German Archive.
Which book would YOU like to see translated into English first? There are currently 82 options!
Simply click the round "radio button" next to the title of your choice and then click "Vote" at the bottom of the poll box. Your votes strongly influence our decisions regarding which books to work on first.
If you would like to support this project financially, we gratefully accept donations here!
Book Choices for Translation into English
Please choose one: Version 2.0.9
200 000 Sudeten Germans too many! The Czech war of extermination against 3,5 million Sudeten Germ... 4 Hitler's Attempts at an Understanding with England 4 Days of Horror: France's "humanitarianism" toward its German prisoners in WW1 3 The World War (WW1) in its Harsh Reality: "The Front Fighters' Book" (photo volume) 3 The Führer's Fight for World Peace 2 Life and Death of Weimar Germany: the history of our time from Versailles to the 3rd Reich (9 vols.) 2 Britain's Political Morals in her own words 2 Germany – England 1933-1939: the documents of the German will to peace 2 10 Years of Versailles (3 vols.) 2 British Propaganda Lies in WW1 and Today (pre-WW2) 2 The Bloody Sunday of Bromberg in September 1939. Poland's deliberate provocation and responsibil... 2 The German Ethnic Group in Poland, 1934-39 1 Ethnic Germans Under the Polish Flag: reports from the other front, from the campaign of 18 days 1 German Danzig (photo volume) 1 The German Colonies Before, During and After the World War (WW1) 1 For Fatherland and Freedom: Photographs from WW1 1 Documents on Britain's Sole Responsibility for the bombing war against the civilian population 1 German Labors Abroad: German contributions in all the world (photo volume) 1 On the Roads of Death: the suffering of the ethnic Germans in Poland 1 National Socialist Economic Reconstruction and its Foundations: A Pictorial-Statistical Report 1 The Monster in Wartime: Crimes committed against Germans by the Allies (WW1) 1 March of Hell of the Ethnic Germans in Poland: Compiled from medical documents 1 Hitler's Speeches for Equality and Peace 1 Give me Four Years Time! Documents on the Führer's first four-year plan 1 The Great Germans: New German Biography (6 vols.) 1 Hanna Reitsch: the life of a German lady pilot 1 Who Armed for World War? (WW1) 1 Albert Leo Schlageter: a German freedom fighter 1 Plight of the Ethnic Germans: the fate of the Germans in non-German Europe (after WW1) 1 And the World is Amazed: a brief history of German inventions throughout the ages 1 The Polish Press in the Fight against the German Ethnic Group in Posen and West Prussia 1 Reich Foreign Minister v. Ribbentrop's Speech in Danzig on October 24, 1939 1 Speeches of the Führer at the Party Congresses in 1933, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938 1 The World War for Honor and Justice: a study of WW1 in its true nature, based on offic... (10 vols.) 1 The Truth about the German War Crimes: The charges of the WW1 Allies contrasted with their own deeds 1 The Truth about Hitler from British Lips 1 The New Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia: Report about the reconstruction work in the German East 0 When Will the Germans Finally Come Back? A journey through our colonies in Africa 0 What Germany Lost in her Colonies 0 Importance for the German National Economy of Colonial Production in German-Owned Colonies 0 They All Built Germany: a history book for elementary schools 0 Testimonies of Truth: Danzig and the Corridor in the judgment of foreign countries 0 The State Against Its Will: Austria 1918-1938 0 Our Great Africans: The lives of German explorers and colonial pioneers 0 The Origins of the Free City of Danzig 0 Political Justice: The Disease of Our Time 0 Polish Nets over Danzig 0 The Other Lidice: the tragedy of the Sudeten Germans 0 Our State and World Peace: Nás stát a svetový mír 0 Germany and the Corridor 0 Our Battle in Poland: Prehistory - Strategic Introduction - Political and War Documents 0 Danzig, Poland and the League of Nations: a political study 0 100 Corridor Claims. A dispute with Poland 0 4000 Years Prove Danzig's Germanness: a history of the ethnographic, historical, cultural, spirit... 0 The Abyss of Versailles 0 The Anschluss Question and its cultural, political and economic significance 0 Austria and the Anschluss 0 Austria-Hungary in the World War (WW1, photo volume) 0 Austria's Bloody Path: A quarter of a millennium of struggle for greater Germany 0 The Battle for Berlin: the beginning (of the National Socialist movement) 0 Bismarck's Peace Treaties 0 The Book of the German Colonies 0 The Book of the German Homeland 0 The Borderland Germans: with special consideration of their economic and social life 0 Britain's Game with Poland: the British-Polish relations since WW1 0 Britain's Peace Treaties: motives and methods 0 Danzig as Merchant City, with special regard to the situation created by the Treaty of Versailles 0 Guderian: The Revolutionary of Strategy 0 The Disgraceful Treaties (post-WW1) 0 Emigration of the Jews from the Third Reich 0 The Entente's Ultimatum: full text of the mantle note and the reply to the German counterproposals 0 Front in Rock and Ice: World War 1 in the high mountains 0 The German Settlements in West Prussia and Posen in the first 12 years of Polish Rule 0 Germans Abroad: an overview of the German diaspora after WW1 0 Germans Helped Build Russia 0 The Germans in Austria and their Compromise with the Czechs 0 The Germans in Congress Poland 0 Germany, We're Coming! Voices from Austria's intellectual circles for the Anschluss to Germany 0 Germany's Achievements at Sea: the history of German seafaring from its earliest b... (photo volume) 0 Germany's Conquest of the Air: the development of German aviation (photo volume) 0 Germany's Peace Treaties since 1555: their motivations and historical significance 0 Girls and Their Struggle in the Third Reich: Experiences and reminiscences 0
Total votes: 53
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