Worm in the Apple
German Traitors and Other Influences
That Pushed the World Into War:
The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany
Friedrich Lenz
7. Allied stalling maneuvers and incitement
instead of a desire for peace
Amongst the people in general, who are not aware of all the connections, the prevailing opinion
that it was our "theft of Czechoslovakia" which served to raise the ire of the British people and
rendered them ripe for war. But this is a serious misconception, for it was already right after
'Munich'21 that the British and
French circles who were not content with this peace measure began their incitement against
Germany. I will prove this by means of a chronological presentation of various events and
addresses, but I wish to point out beforehand that this is a mere fraction of the evidence that
be brought to bear against our opponents:
September 30, 1938 - Munich
Hitler and Chamberlain declare: "We regard the agreement signed last night
and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to
to war with one another again..."
October 3, 1938 - London
Chamberlain states in the House of Commons: "Here in this country we have already been
engaged in a great rearmament program which continues to grow both in speed and in scope. Let
no-one believe that in light of the ratification of the Munich Agreement by the Four Powers we
at this time relax our efforts with respect to this program."
October 9, 1938 - Saarbrücken
Hitler gives his famous speech, and Hans Grimm comments on it in
his Arch-Bishop's Address:
"This is the situation that sets the context in which we must view the declaration made by the
National-Socialist Reichsführer, the German-Austrian Hitler, on October 9, 1938, when he
said: 'The statesmen we deal with want peace. We must believe them on that point. However,
govern nations whose internal structure renders it possible for them to be relieved of their
positions at any time, to make way for others who are not quite as desirous of peace. And these
others are already waiting in the wings. In England, for example, all it will take is for Mr. Duff
Cooper or Mr. Eden or Mr. Churchill to gain power instead of Mr. Chamberlain; we know very
well that it would be the aim of these men to immediately start a new world war. They make no
secret of this their intent, they declare it openly...; this obliges us to be on our guard, and to look
carefully to the protection of the Reich. Inclined to peace at all times, but equally prepared for
defense.' For years I have avoided listening to any speech of Hitler's, a man who disturbs my
mind. But I had to agree with these words of his, and I had to tender him my silent and bitter
apology, for he was right; one might disapprove, even despise his strange nature, but he was
"The subsequent events and
actions taken by the government of the Reich, right up to the second and final British declaration
of war, could not and ought not to have happened any differently in light
of the ever-increasing
danger. In view of the storm clouds in the West, the storm clouds in the East, and the clouds
gathering even over the Reich itself, every Reich leader, be he Emperor or Party tribune, soldier
pacifist would have to have taken each and every possible measure to ensure national
October 16, 1938 - London
Churchill, in a radio broadcast to America: "...We must arm. Great Britain will give up its
centuries-old traditions, and introduce universal conscription... Is this a call to war?"
November 30, 1938 - London
R. S. Hudson, Secretary of the British Office for Overseas Trade: "The question is the much
problem of how to counter the new form of German competition throughout the world."
December 6, 1938 - Paris
The French Secretary of State, speaking about v. Ribbentrop's visit: "He seemed disquieted by
certain British developments. He mentioned Churchill's campaign, and also seemed to doubt the
sincerity of the British Ministers, who, he thought, had not interpreted the Munich Agreement as
settlement in good faith with Germany, with its end to be a lasting pact for peace, but rather as a
means to gain time, with the ulterior motive of waging war later under more favorable
December 10, 1938 - Paris
Duff Cooper speaks, consoling himself with the thought that in the case of a conflict, America,
great friend of Western Democracy, would be standing at the ready.
December 11, 1938 - Paris
The French Secretary of State Bonnet realizes: "The
enemies of the National-Socialist regime were resolved to destroy it, but such a hazardous
undertaking was only feasible if they patiently awaited the hour when they would be strong
enough to defeat their enemy with certitude. I think they had not forgotten the price of
Germany and then failing to vanquish her.
"The object of all my
discussions with the Prime Minister and of my cables abroad was to ensure the utmost efforts
towards the arms status and national defence of France and her allies... With noble patriotic
enthusiasm, Daladier spurred the completion of his arms program which, commendably, he had
initiated in 1936."
January 5, 1939 - London
Lord Halifax, to the German chargé d'affaires, Dirksen: "...he would not hesitate to
describe the article in question, of which he was aware, as a most outrageous defamation of the
Führer. It is regrettable that numerous such offenses had occurred again in the past
January 26, 1939 - Paris
Secretary of State Bonnet in the House: "In the event of a war, all the armed forces of Great
are at the disposal of France, and vice versa."
January 28, 1939 - London
Chamberlain: "It is therefore for purposes of defense, not for attack, that we continue to devote
unflagging efforts to the task of
arms build-up."
February 28, 1939 - Paris
The German Ambassador Welczek reports to the State Department: "Recently, still prior to
the publication of the anti-German excesses in Poland, the Embassy has received reports from
absolutely trustworthy sources that indicate certain tendencies towards a revival
of the French-Polish Alliance and, concomitantly, the planned, gradual
deterioration of German-Polish relations. The main reason cited is the deep impression which
strengthening of the Entente Cordiale between France and England, as well as Chamberlain's
various declarations regarding assistance for France, have made on the Polish government; an
additional factor is a remarkable degree of English activity in Poland."
March 4, 1939 - Teheran
The German Ambassador Smend reports to the State Department: "The return of Austria to the
Reich resulted in a noticeable cooling of diplomatic relations... While the representatives of
nations expressed satisfaction that a people had come together again, the British side leveled
"In the local English circles,
the solution of
the Sudeten-German problem has triggered nothing short of hostility towards Germany, which
also found open expression in talks with the Embassy.
"Since then,
the anti-German
sentiments of the local English circles here has increased considerably. The British Delegation
colony are turning into the hotbed of a war psychosis that weaves its web through far more than
the actual field of interest. The entire apparatus of the
usual rabble-rousing involved in an arms
race, as it may be observed today in the British press, on the radio, and in public addresses of the
spokesmen of the bellicose party openly opposed to Germany, has a faithful mirror in this British
"When, in conversation with
Englishmen, one points out the reprehensible and dangerous aspects of these methods, one
receives only the chilly remark that the international arms race cannot help but lead to war some
day. To these gentlemen, Eden, Churchill and Duff Cooper are the real representatives of the
British nation, and their future representatives in fact."
March 16, 1939 - Paris
Bonnet, commenting on the establishment of the Protectorate: "It was too late to take military
steps, and for the other side, in turn, it was too early, since we were still not ready... We
whether we would manage to gain the months we still needed to finish arming."
March 16, 1939 - Berlin
The French Ambassador Coulondre, to Bonnet: "I think we must do everything necessary to at
least gain time... On the other hand, the French and British rearmament is an increasing source
worry to the leading National-Socialists. And this, in my opinion, is the fundamental issue... It is
necessary to hold out, and to gain time by any and all means at our disposal, until we are fully
March 28, 1939 - Paris
Secretary of State Bonnet: "Thereupon, Chamberlain proposed to Poland a pact of mutual
guarantee, so as to force Poland to defend Rumania if the latter should be attacked by Germany.
This obligation marked a decisive turning point in British foreign policy. Chamberlain was fully
aware of all the consequences resulting from this step, but he accepted them for the moment,
there was no other way to thwart Hitler."
March 28, 1939 - Warsaw
The French Ambassador Noel, to the French Secretary of State: "Furthermore, if Poland should
actually decide on this course, it is necessary that in order to constrain Poland and to prevent her
last-minute evasion of responsibility, Great Britain should commit herself to financial aid in the
case of conflict... and that certain economic advantages be proffered which could to an extent
satisfy [Poland's] desire for access to colonial possessions. Further, it would be necessary to give
Poland express guarantees to ease her concerns with respect to the Soviet Union... For the rest, it
goes without saying that a concrete offer of assistance would only appear tempting to Poland,
would only balance any dangers arising therefrom, if Great Britain were to decide to introduce
universal conscription during peacetime."
July 25, 1939 - Stockholm
Sven Hedin, in a conversation
with the British Lord Dawson of Penn:
Dawson: "The moment that Germany occupies
Danzig - whether it be by peaceful
means, or with armed force - we will immediately and absolutely declare war on
Sven Hedin: "A world war, for Danzig? Danzig is a German city, and the injustices of the
Treaty of Versailles are being revised."
Dawson: "It's not so much for the sake of Danzig itself. Danzig, however, means the
Corridor, and with the loss of Danzig, in other words of the Corridor, Poland loses access to the
sea, and dries up and chokes to death. That's what Germany wants, so as then to be able to treat
Poland like she has treated Czechoslovakia. From that point on it is only a step to Rumania and
her oil fields, to the Black Sea, the Dardanelles, the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, in other
words, to that vein that carries the lifeblood of our Empire. So, if Danzig falls, it's a matter of the
life of the British Empire. We know that a new world war for the sake of Danzig is more than
and we will take the opportunity when it presents itself."
Sven Hedin: "Are you prepared to take such a responsibility?"
Dawson: "We understand that there will be nothing left of civilization afterwards, but we
will not hesitate one instant."
August 7, 1939 - Soenke Nissen Koog
According to his book Der letzte Versuch, the Swede Birger Dahlerus had arranged a
meeting between Göring and several of his British business acquaintances, and on the
suggestion of the Englishmen they had concluded that the danger of war could best be
by a Four-Power Conference.
Hitler declared himself willing
only a few days later, but the gentlemen from the
British government - whose plans were of course quite different from those of that naive little
group of Englishmen from among the common folk who had tried together with Dahlerus to
conduct their own brand of
foreign politics - no doubt nostalgically remembered 'Munich', and what followed instead of a
conference was "an interlude that was quite incomprehensible to me [Dahlerus] and, as it was to
turn out, most fateful as well; namely, a
complete stand-still of negotiations. The only thing I managed to find out was that a British
answer was not to be expected any time soon. Many of the people indispensable to these
proceedings, we were told, happened to have gone on holidays just then... as was usual at that
time of year."
stand-still of negotiations
may be incomprehensible to Mr. Dahlerus, but not to anyone else who really thinks about it, for
that Conference had taken place, the parties concerned would have had no excuse for not
to an agreement, else it would have been obvious to the world who the ones to blame for the
failure really were. So they preferred to remain on holidays rather than prevent a war. Surely
could not have thought of a more feeble excuse.
August 15, 1939 - Rome
The British Ambassador Sir Percy Lorraine informed Ciano that any attempt at a conference,
Munich-style, was out of the question, since such a meeting would result in Chamberlain and his
statesmen being swept from their position in the government. By whom? By the people?
The answer may be found in a report sent in
late August 1939 - from London
by the German journalist Heinz Medefind, when he had to leave England after a five years' stay
there: "For months the British government has done its utmost, through the press, film, radio and
Ministerial speeches, to create unrest among the British people. These efforts were heightened
considerably in August. On the orders of the various Ministries, the newspapers strove to
the people that the time has come when the battle for Poland's independence and for the renewed
defeat of that frighteningly revitalized Germany must begin. The same
old catch-phrases were
repeated daily, even hourly. But the desired effect did not come about.
"In one of his last speeches in
August, Chamberlain tried once again to persuade his people to back his government's goals: We
are faced with the imminent danger of war. We would not be fighting for the political
future of a far-distant city (Danzig), but for principles whose destruction would mean the end of
peace and security for all nations on earth.
"Yet even this inflammatory
speech of Chamberlain's failed to produce the desired effect, no less than the great campaign had
failed that
had been carried on for months with the intent of inspiring the masses with enthusiasm for
"I had occasion, after this
speech, to talk to dozens of British men and women. With the sole exception of one, none of
had any sympathy for the call for war.
"How badly the effect (of
propaganda) had failed became clear to me from the statements of my neighbors and the small
businessmen who implored me not to leave England. They did not believe that there
would be war - and wanted it even less."
With respect to the attitude of
the British people, his further descriptions of the last days prior to war and his departure from
England agree fully with the account given by Hans Otto Meissner, son of the Secretary of
State, in his book So schnell schlägt Deutschlands Herz.
September 2, 1939 - London
Churchill writes to Chamberlain "...that he was uneasy, that there was talk in Paris of a new
diplomatic approach, and that he hoped that the British Head of Government would disregard the
difficulties he might encounter in France and proceed to declare war on Germany, thus showing
our French friends the proper path to take."
September 3, 1939 - Paris
Jean Montigny reports: "The slight hesitation on the part of France has roused the ire of the
London war-mongers: several Members of Parliament, led by Churchill, invaded the office of the
French envoy (in London) and reproached him vehemently for his country's attitude. Corbin had
protest most vigorously against such behavior."
September 3, 1939 - Paris
The French Secretary of State Bonnet, when he signed the declaration of war: "It seemed to me
though we had suddenly ordered not only the death of millions of people, but also of precious
ideas, spiritual values, the destruction of a world... For some seconds I was devastated. But
already, calls were coming in again from London. The news had spread that France would not
in the war until 5 am Monday morning. This delay provoked annoyance in Great Britain."
They were sitting on pins and
needles there, for while another 'Munich' would have preserved
world peace - it would also have preserved Hitler.
The "foreign affairs politicians" of the Opposition saw and heard none of this, for their
glasses were fogged over with hatred, their ears plugged with lies, and their time taken up with
the planning of coups against Hitler.
21As for the time prior to Munich,
it ought to suffice to recount the comment which Frau von Ribbentrop relayed to her husband's
defense counsel in Nuremberg. In 1937 Churchill had said to Ribbentrop in the Embassy at
London: "If Germany regains her power, she will be crushed again." When Ribbentrop objected
that it would not be as easy this time as it had been in 1914, since Germany had friends on her
side, Churchill rejoined: "Oh, we are quite good at persuading those friends to join us in the
The British prosecutor declined retrieval and presentation of the report which v. Ribbentrop had
sent to Hitler about this, saying: "What my friend Churchill said in the course of that
is irrelevant."
Worm in the Apple
German Traitors and Other Influences That Pushed the World Into War:
The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany