(in the Adler Mountains)
Report No. 300
Maltreatment and murders
Reported by: Director Pischel Report of July 31, 1950
When individual units and
formations of the Silesian army passed through our
little town on May 7 and 8, 1945, we knew that the catastrophe could only be a
few days away at best. Alarming news abounded. The inhabitants stood outside
their houses, and fleeing was impossible. Already Czech partisans had occupied
all the streets, and disarmed our soldiers. Anyone who made even the slightest
attempt to resist was shot. And in fact the Russians followed hard on the heels of
the German troops, and thousands of artillery, tanks and motorized troops poured
across the crest of the Adler Mountains, filled the mountain towns and, rushing
towards Prague, overran the German troops.
But when the Czech partisans occupied our home town we had to witness
horrible misdeeds. Anything that wasn't nailed down was stolen, and almost all
men, regardless of their age, were arrested and maltreated terribly and dragged
into the prison.
The one-man cells were soon filled to bursting, and so the subsequent prisoners
were taken to the barracks. It is simply impossible to describe what took place
there. Many Germans sought to escape the dreadful maltreatment by committing
suicide. May 19, 1945, the Saturday before Pentecost, was a particularly black
day. The
already half-starved prisoners, I among them, were herded to the barracks to
work. For example, pairs of two each had to carry heavy wall units down the
stairs, across the large barracks square, into other buildings and back up the
stairs there. Partisans stood everywhere and beat the unhappy people with sticks,
iron bars, rubber truncheons, bicycle inner tubes and rifle butts, with no regard
for where they hit us. Blood ran from my many head wounds into my eyes and
across my neck and down my back.
Many collapsed under the blows and were beaten and kicked while they were
down. I myself once had more than 20 lumps on my head and two deep cuts on
my arms. Since we got almost nothing to eat, we were soon totally debilitated.
Even our town priest was arrested repeatedly and severely maltreated. Church
services were banned and the Church locked. Finally he was committed to the
state prison in Königgrätz.
More and ever more people - women, too - were still being brought to the prison
from the surrounding towns. Interrogations began, accompanied by constant
maltreatment. The architect Hermann was gunned down by partisans just a few
steps away from me. Hitler Youths 10 to 14 years of age who were among the
prisoners, and who had already been beaten green and blue, had to bury him
behind the barracks in a shallow grave. I myself was led behind the barracks
twice, and was to be shot there. But since I showed no fear, they beat me
dreadfully with their truncheons instead and herded me back to the other
prisoners. A cell in the barrack had been set up as torture chamber. Every
evening inmates were dragged from their cells and tortured to death there in the
most cruel and brutal ways imaginable. Often they were given up to 50 blows
with heavy sticks.
The well-known city physician Dr. Rudolf Wanitschke suffered a terrible fate;
after several unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide, he was literally beaten to
death here. The unconscious victims were regularly doused with a pitcher of
cold water and thrown back into the cell, where the cold brought them back to
consciousness. The torture was repeated for several days, until the unfortunate
souls eventually died from blood loss or were shot. In the evening the murdered
were buried in shallow graves in the vicinity of the town.
Their next-of-kin were not notified of their loved ones' deaths.
Other than Dr. Wanitschke and the architect Hermann, men of my acquaintance
who were brutishly murdered here include Franz Gregor, the head of the
Municipal Savings Bank, my brother Wilhelm, Alois Kubitschke, watchmaker,
Gottwald, the lessee of the Schwarze Adler, Spanel and Leichter, both
staff members of the Employment Office, senior teacher Jörka
from Groß-Stiebnitz, the teacher Spanel
from Ober-Riebnei, Heinrich Letzel from Himml.-Riebnei, and many others.
The merchant Finger, master butcher Willi Pöter, and Fritz Habenicht
(sawmill owner of the former Frosch Mill) were abducted to Senftenberg where
they were first brutally tortured and then hanged. Those men who escaped death
were taken by the Czechs to the
hastily-set-up concentration camps, 51 of them, where they had to do heavy
labor, for example down in the mines, while receiving only lousy rations and
constant maltreatment. Many died in these camps, or suffered permanent
damage to their health. Many died on or after their return, for example the
forestry administrator Scherz and old man
Kotisa's son-in law, Mr. Cernoch.
The misery of those who had remained behind reached its highest point thanks to
the unexpected expulsion from their homeland, which began like a bolt out of
the blue with no advance notice on June 5, 1945, as Rokitnitz was the first city in
the Sudetengau where the German population was expelled.
Those poor people were going about their business unsuspectingly that morning,
when the partisans invaded their homes and forced them to leave all they
possessed behind, with the exception of only a few minor things they could
Painfully, old and sick people dragged themselves to the collection point, urged
along by curses and roars from the partisans. At the collection point everyone
was closely searched, in other words robbed of anything and everything that had
even the slightest
value - small keepsakes, what little cash they had, children's clothes, and
Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon this pathetic procession moved across Ring
Square, accompanied by the jeering gibes of the Czechs who watched
the heart-rending spectacle with laughing enjoyment. Many Czechs stood by the
wayside with their cameras to snap a photographic record of the event. At
Herrenfeld and Batzdorf the heavily armed partisans herded the expellees across
the border bridge and left them to their fate. On the second day our procession
reached the Silesian city of Habelschwerdt, where the Red Cross took over our
care and housed us in barracks. Habelschwerdt as well as the entire region of
Glatz was under Polish occupation. The same conditions as we had experienced
during the last few weeks in our homeland, also reigned here. In March 1946 the
expellees and the Silesians of the region were jointly resettled [expelled] by the
Report No. 301
Daughter raped by Czech officer on October 14,
Reported by: Ottokar Montag Report of June 21, 1950
October 14th, 1950, my daughter Mrs. K., who was in charge of a Czech
machine-weaving mill, an expropriated former German firm, was visiting a
At 6 o'clock, on her way home, she passed the former German College, which had
been turned into Czech soldiers' barracks. Suddenly, in the dark, she was
confronted by an officer, who spoke to her in Russian. Thinking him to be a
Russian, she tried to run away. Immediately the officer signalled with his whistle;
6 soldiers ran out from the nearby barracks and a wild chase after her began. The
officer was a Czech lieutenant by the name of Bischof, a former member of the
Legion. Although man-handled on the street by all 7 men, my daughter managed
to escape several times. She appealed to passers-by for help, without success;
Germans dared not to help her for fear the same would happen to them, while
Czechs laughed and enjoyed the show.
My daughter came within 50 metres (110 ft) of her flat, but then her strength
deserted her. She was hit and kicked in the back and kidneys, was dragged to the
barracks, taken into one of the rooms there and ill-treated by the officer in the
most horrible way. He forced her to the ground several times and dragged her
round by her hair, asking: "Are you going to do my bidding?" She received
several blows in the face, so that blood kept streaming down, besmearing the
officer's uniform from head to foot. The floor showed smears of blood where my
daughter had been dragged about. In between she was forced to stand at attention
and to shout: Long live Adolf Hitler! She received more blows because she did
not shout it loud enough to be heard all through the barracks. As a result of one
blow in the stomach she fainted. She does not know what happened to her while
she was unconscious. When she came to, lying on the floor, the officer kicked her
in the breast. Two Czech soldiers had to watch her ordeal. One of them put his
hands before his eyes because he could not watch the horrible scene. It was with
the help of this soldier that she finally managed to escape. She collapsed as soon
as she reached her home. Her face was covered with blood and quite
unrecognisable. The Czech landlord looked after her. Later he took her to the
police and reported the incident. He was reprimanded for having helped a
German. The case was recorded, but the victim was not allowed to sign. She was
sent to hospital for a medical report, but no action was taken against the officer.
We lived with this landlord and his wife, who were humane in mind and in their
actions, on the best of terms until our expulsion. We were allowed to keep several
rooms, all fully furnished. Every effort to take them away from us was frustrated
by him.

Report No. 302
Objections about the transport to First Lt.
American border official for Furth im Walde
Reported by: Wank, border commissar for the refugees from
Furth im Walde
Report of April 10, 1946 (Römerstadt)
following complaints regarding the transport of expelled persons have been
a.) from Römerstadt.
Many refugees could be found in every one of the railway coaches of our
transport who were no longer in possession of their passports or identity cards, as
these had been taken away from them in the camps where they had assembled,
also all documents, commercial papers, employment certificates, social insurance
papers and especially policies of insurance companies.
The babies did not receive warm milk on the trip, the milk provided was for the
most part unboiled.
Mrs. Trampisch of Römerstadt was attacked in her own apartment by a
member of the R. G. (Revolutionary Guards) and received a black eye, because
she refused to allow this man to search her luggage, which he was not entitled to
do. He, however, broke into the flat and appropriated the most valuable articles
out of the luggage.
b.) from Iglau.
Identity cards, passports etc. of most of the participating persons were missing,
also marriage certificates, documents of inheritance, business licenses, policies of
insurance companies etc. These documents were taken away from the people in
the camps with the assurance that they would be given back before they left the
camp. But this promise was not kept, although the people asked for their property.
Even wedding-rings were taken away. The luggage of this transport was the
poorest so far. Some of the people possessed only what they stood up in.
In some cases they were able to take along two sets of underclothes or perhaps
one suit when they left their homes; others were carrying their entire property in a
rucksack, not more than 10 kilos (22 pounds) in weight. A few of those in the
transport were in possession of luggage weighing 30 kilos (66 pounds) at the
All this misery was caused by the fact that the refugees had been expelled from
their houses in the country by the Czech Agents without being given time to pack
and to get together the 50 kilos (110 pounds) of luggage permitted.
Some of the men who had been prisoners of war or had been in jail had not even
been allowed to return home in order to fetch their luggage, but were taken
directly to the camps where they were assembled for transport. Some of the
women were sent away without their husbands who were kept back in labour
camps or in jail. So many of the women had serious complaints that there was not
enough time to record them all.
The following is the case of a child who is reported as having been expelled
without his parents:
Franz Zaboj, born on January 19, 1938, was transferred without his parents, who
were held in the district prison of Iglau.
Report No. 303
District Court Tachau - Pilsen 1945
Reported by: Franz Voit Report of June 5, 1946
I was
arrested in Roßhaupt on June 20, 1945. In the Czech school there, I and
four others were punched, kicked and beaten with rifle butts. Then we were
committed to the Tachau District Court. That same day, in the time from 2
o'clock p.m. until 11 o'clock p.m., I and all the others there were beaten nine
times with rubber truncheons and bull whips. We were maltreated naked, and to
the point of unconsciousness each time. They always forced me to
lie belly-down on the floor, and then four men beat me, beginning with my head
and moving all the way down to my feet. Whenever I came to again, I found
myself lying on my back, and my front was also covered in welts. The next day
I and the others were maltreated yet again seven more times between 5 o'clock
a.m. and 1 o'clock p.m. Then we were handcuffed and shipped off to Pilsen. In
Bory Prison,
we - 19 men and two women - were asked who had been planning to blow up
the barracks in Tachau. When none of us answered, we were again beaten up,
this time by Czech convicts. This was repeated three more times. Then we 19
men were locked into a joint cell, where we were once again beaten by guards.
The next day we were beaten three more times in the cell. I sustained four
broken and two cracked ribs. I was bleeding from an open head wound, and my
nasal bone was injured. After eight days, we were locked in groups of two
into one-man cells, with only a straw sack and a blanket. The food we got was
insufficient, and mostly inedible. At least there was opportunity to wash. In
September a fifth man was locked into our cell with us. He was a Czech, about
60 years old, and had scabies and lice. After 5 days he died without having
received any medical care. We too came down with scabies and had picked up
the lice, and had to lie 6 weeks in our cell without medical attention, so that
finally our arms and legs were covered with festering sores. Only then were we
treated by a German physician, and the scabies disappeared in about a week. On
September 24 my cellmate Johann Blei, 46 years old, succumbed to sepsis and
died while I was holding him.
On December 21, I and 50 other men were transferred to the Karlov labor
camp. From there I was sent out to go to work, until I was released to go home
on April 17, 1946.
Sankt Joachimsthal
Report No. 304
Eyewitness account (the Kroupa case) of an
Reported by: Rudolf Berthold Report of August 26, 1949
I am
from St. Joachimsthal, and was personally acquainted with Kroupa. At my
expulsion on August 20, 1945, Kroupa turned up at my house "Sonnenblick" No.
924 in the company of four armed men and two women, and demanded that I
hand over to him all my money, jewelry etc. and then vacate my house within 20
minutes. To my question whether he had any written authorization or order for
this act of violence he replied with vicious threats. Kroupa gave himself such airs
that I could not help but think that he was the city commissar, which was also
public opinion, and so I had to succumb to force and was robbed of all I owned.
Like the rest of the inhabitants, I was forced, on pain of being shot, to attend the
execution of M. Steinfelsner, to which I am therefore an eyewitness. I can take
these facts in my oath, as can the housekeeper Frau A. Martinez who is presently
staying with me.
Report No. 305
House searches, brutal ill-treatment, public
Reported by: Otto Patek Report of August 25, 1949 (Sankt Joachimsthal)
The revolution
in May 1945 in the Sudeten area. That was the signal for the persecution of
the German population to start. One Franz Kroupa, formerly a worker in the tobacco factory of
Joachimsthal, was appointed as Chairman of the National Committee. Kroupa was one of the
greatest enemies of Germans and Jews. He personally took part in visits to German
houses, etc. It was he who decided who was to be arrested or liquidated. My house was
twice. The first house search was carried out by Czech military, who behaved very decently.
second search was carried out by the gendarmerie by order of Kroupa and under his personal
leadership, pistol in hand. All my wardrobes and cupboards as well as all other storage places
were broken into and looted. The guests who stayed at my house were rounded up and robbed.
Although they could find no grounds for prosecuting me, I was taken to the police station,
supposedly in order to sign a protocol. All my jewellery, watches, gold and silverware as well
gold and coins from my shop and some boxes of valuables which had been stored in the cellar
during the air raids, furthermore some luggage belonging to the patients at the health resort,
all carried off in two waiting cars. I was brought from the police station to
the well-known camp at Schlackenwerth, a matter which was decided by Kroupa.
In this camp I was together with 37 other Germans and all of us were brutally mistreated. The
same day as I arrived at the camp, I was led
to the ball-room of the former restaurant "Zum Franzosen"; there the prisoners were stood
the wall and had already been so badly beaten that they were bleeding. I was told to stand in
with the others. The Czechs then closed all the doors and placed two sentries with automatic
pistols, trained on us. We were ordered to strip to the waist and then the Czechs started to beat
with rubber truncheons, leather and steel whips as well as sticks, until strips of flesh were
from our bodies and we were covered with blood. Whenever one of us collapsed, buckets of
water were poured over him until he regained consciousness; they then continued the beating.
this manner we
were ill-treated three times a day and three times during the nights. In the night between June
and June 6th, 1945, at about 10 o'clock, eleven or twelve Czechs entered the ballroom and
a bench as well as blankets with which they covered the windows. The first one they seized
Johann Müller, a watchmaker from St. Joachimsthal; they laid him on the bench,
off both his ears with a knife, put out his eyes, thrust a bayonet into his mouth and smashed his
teeth in. They also broke his arms across their knees and his legs over the bench. Since he was
alive, they wound a cable twice around his neck and dragged him through the room until his
was dislocated and the body showed no further sign of life. While the body was being dragged
around, a Czech stood on it so as to increase the load. The corpse, which was nothing but a
of bloody flesh, was then wrapped in my coat and laid in the middle of the room. In the same
manner six other men were killed that night, among them three German soldiers. After the
of each man they continued to beat us with rubber truncheons. Since I speak some Czech, I
forced to witness the killings while the others had to face the wall. The murdered men
terribly, for they were fully conscious at the time of their death. In consequence of what they
forced to witness three prisoners went out of their minds and I myself was close to madness.
Among the victims of that night there were, besides the aforementioned Müller, the
watchmaker Kraus, a forester, and Zechel, a master joiner from Joachimsthal, as well as a
German unknown to me. All arrests and imprisonments at St. Joachimsthal were carried out on
the orders of Kroupa. The killing was to continue the next day, but as a military commission
arrived, the murdering was stopped.
From there I came to another camp at Karlsbad and to Neurohlau; I was imprisoned for a total
17 months. I could not be released earlier, since Kroupa at Joachimsthal prevented it.
On June 4th, 1945, on the day of my arrest, Mr. Steinfelsner, owner of the sawmill at
Joachimsthal, was publicly hanged in front of the town hall without any proper legal
Every German inhabitant of St. Joachimsthal was "invited" under pain of death to attend the
execution. The taking down of the body is supposed to have taken place by order of American
officers, who drove through Joachimsthal. My family had themselves seen American troops
driving through the town.
My wife did everything she could to secure my release by showing documents to the camp
commander, but she was expelled by the gendarmerie at the instigation of Kroupa with only 20
minutes notice, without even a coat and with only 7 Marks in cash, so that she was unable to
any further steps.
I herewith declare that my statements are in accordance with the truth and that I am also
to take them on my oath.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out