Report No. 266
Maltreatment of invalids
Reported by: parish priest Oskar F. K. Hahn Report of July 22, 1946
I am an invalid, but on
October 20, 1945 I was put into the concentration camp
of Neurohlau. As Catholic clergyman I had been parish priest, and was
suspected of having massacred Russian soldiers in a butcher shop, with the
assistance of the kitchen staff. The charge had been brought by a woman who
was in an insane asylum three times already.
I am a war-disabled ex-serviceman myself, but nonetheless I was repeatedly
badly maltreated, like all other prisoners as well. The worst time came in the
night of
November 2-3, when all inmates who had been members of the SS, the SA or
the Party, including foot amputees, were forced to run laps around the square. In
the process we were beaten so badly with rifle butts, steel canes and slats that
many collapsed. As the result of maltreatment, the last of which to my
knowledge took place in March 1946, an opera singer, Karl Tretsch from
Prague, suffered seven broken ribs, and kidney and head injuries. This kind of
maltreatment was also repeatedly inflicted on other prisoners. Among the
prisoners in Neurohlau there were
numerous 70- and 80-year-old men and women, some of whom suffered from
severe injuries such as hernias. I shared my room with about 48 invalids
(amputees). Even these were badly maltreated. The student Günther from
Gottesgab was beaten with rubber truncheons on both his leg stumps until the
blood shot out. One Mrs. B. from Lubenz, 68 years old, was recently sentenced
by the People's Court to 20 years' imprisonment for allegedly being to blame
for two girls committing suicide in 1936/37. Her husband had been beaten to
death in the camp while she was forced to watch.

Report No. 267
Cases of ill-treatment
in the concentration camp at Neurohlau
Reported by: Johann Schmelzer Report of June 1, 1946 (Neurohlau)
I was imprisoned at Elbogen
on June 9, 1945. On June 26, I was transported to the concentration
camp at Neurohlau together with other prisoners. On the same day all
inmates - more than 100 men - were called to the office and knocked about in such a manner
the cries of pain could be heard in the street, even though the windows had been closed. The
moment I entered the office I myself was attacked by four men, who struck me in the face and
the head. After that I had to bend over the back of a chair and was then beaten with sticks and
clubs by those four men until blood dripped from my nose. Afterwards they forced me to lick
blood off the chair. All prisoners were treated the same way. I was interrogated three times
my imprisonment of eleven months and released on May 11, 1946 without having been tried or
For many weeks the food was not only completely insufficient, but also inedible. Many
became ill and died from exhaustion. Among them were one Konhäuser, functionary at
Altsattel, and Karl Wohlrab, formerly
a pattern-maker at Dallwitz.
Once, in July, I saw a prisoner, who was standing in line for the roll call, shot down by a
commissar with his pistol without warning. I remember a further case: a prisoner who, suffering
from hunger, took some potato peels out of the dust-bin near the kitchen was warned by the
commander and threatened with shooting. When the same prisoner ate potato peels again,
days later, he was killed by the commandant himself with
a pistol-shot. When one of the SS-men escaped from the camp in August,
all the SS-men there were beaten and SS-man Lippert from Elbogen was shot. I am prepared to
swear to this statement and I am also able to name witnesses.
Report No. 268
Permanent physical disability as result of
Reported by: Adolf Trägner Report of July 22, 1946 (Neurohlau)
On July 23,
1945 I was ordered to report the next day at the Altrohlau school, for work
assignments. At the school I met 31 other men who had received the same order.
From there, we were committed to the Neurohlau concentration camp, where we
were all dreadfully maltreated. I was kicked in the genitals both from the front
and from behind until I collapsed unconscious. When I came to again, I was laid
on a bench and beaten unconscious all over again. When I regained consciousness
this time, one man beat me over the head with a steel cane until I collapsed yet
again. I sustained a severe head injury from this abuse. Ever since then I have
suffered from constant headaches, which sometimes become so severe that I pass
out from them. The camp physician
in Kladno-Dubi diagnosed my head injury. A heart defect from which I also suffer
now is related to this maltreatment as well.
Report No. 269
Maltreatment and death
Reported by: Marie Georgi Report of September 2, 1946 (Neurohlau)
Director Pohl of the paper
factory at Neudek was picked up by the gendarmerie in September
1945. He was taken to the camp at Neurohlau and shot there. One Czech by the name of Kalupa
afterwards bragged of having shot Pohl in Neurohlau.
Wenzel Siegert, a post-office employee, whose apartment had been requisitioned during his
absence, was mistreated when he returned to his apartment; he was then taken to the local jail,
where in September he was beaten to death.
Josef Schönecker, born on October 26, 1893, was arrested in November 1945 on his way
to withdraw money from the savings bank, although he was already in possession of his transfer
documents. Since that time he has been kept in Neurohlau, even though he is a sick man and
unfit for work.
Anna G., the wife of a baker in Neudek, was taken prisoner in June 1945,
severely ill-treated and brought to the court-prison at Karlsbad. I saw myself at Christmas the
scars on her legs, originating from metal-studded scourges. During the night they would take
out of the cell several times, then she had to undress and they would pour cold water over her.
Later she was sentenced by the "Volksgericht" [People's Court], often presided over by men
without legal qualifications, to twelve years imprisonment.
Report No. 270
Shooting of an old German man
in the Neurohlau camp, 1945/46
Reported by: Josef Heller Report of June 22, 1946 (Neurohlau)
I had to spend
the time from December 28, 1945 until May 29, 1946 in the concentration camp
in Neurohlau. Even before that time I had been in the camp a couple of times a
week for several months, on deliveries I had to make for the camp. On those
occasions I witnessed many instances of maltreatment. Once I saw how an old
man, who was in his sixties, walked across the camp square around noon and was
suddenly gunned down by a Czech guard, without there even having been so
much as an exchange of words between the old man and the guard. Then, when I
became an inmate in the camp myself, I witnessed how the guards sought every
opportunity to maltreat the prisoners. During the night of April 30, 1946 we heard
several shots being fired. On May 1 nobody was allowed to leave the camp. We
were told that someone had shot at a guard from outside the camp. Allegedly the
bullet had gone through a guard's cap. This incident was taken as an excuse to
conduct house searches in the surrounding villages, ostensibly for weapons, and
in the course of these searches the people were robbed of even their last poor
possessions of clothes, linen, money etc. No weapons were found. A Czech
investigative commission then determined that a guard had fallen asleep and
when his hand had slipped down his gun it had triggered the shot that went
through his cap. Another guard had responded to this shot by firing several times
During the luggage inspection in Neurohlau the inspectors, who were drunk,
helped themselves to most of the expellees' possessions.
My 79-year-old mother was robbed of her feather bedding, my wife of all our
clothes and linen, and I myself of my best clothes and shoes. As compensation we
were given 500 Marks each.
Report No. 271
Expropriation of anti-Fascists
Reported by: retired public school director Josef Schramm
Report of May 14,
was occupied by German troops on October 10, 1938. On November 22, 1938 the
new authorities dismissed me from my post. I was dismissed with the comment
that I could not expect to enter service in the Reich.
Prompted by a written denunciation, I had to justify myself to the new authorities
because in April 1937 I had required the teachers on my staff to prove that they
had adequately informed their students about the difference between democracy
and dictatorship in a state, as per Decree 81/n issued by the District School Board
on January 11, 1934.
And finally, in 1937, I had put my wife's landholdings[?] at the disposal of the
Czech military administration, to use as a military magazine. This was done under
contract, to avoid the risk of confiscateion.
On May 5, 1945 Neutitschein was occupied by the Russians. I had to submit to
the first looting. Already the very next day it seemed that I would be granted
protection, due to my early efforts to preserve the Czechoslovak state. On the
basis of my written documentation, the local Czech výbor issued me a
voucher with the Soviet stamp, that was to protect me from further looting.
Nonetheless I had to surrender my radio.
In the night of July 4-5, 1945, 4,000 to 5,000 German inhabitants of the city
Neutitschein were suddenly deported without prior notice to the city of Pirna on
the Elbe. I was also still held exempt from that. The evening before, I was given a
"white card" for myself and my family, for this purpose. But this card and my
written documentation did not keep my wife from having to perform forced labor
for Czechs. I mysef had to spend a Sunday from 7 o'clock in the morning until 6
in the evening performing public clearing work.
On August 21, 1945 a public announcement was posted in many places in the city
Neutitschein. I myself had to keep such a poster, 85x60cm in size, displayed in
my window for 14 days. I still have this poster today. The text on it stated, in
Czech: "Národní výbor Neutitschein, No. 4735, August 4,
1945. Re.: trustworthiness of Germans. Announcement. The following persons
living in Marxova Street have been exempted from the restrictions placed on
persons of German nationality." Then there follow 7 names, including mine.
"Because the výbor wishes to base its favorable decision on a fair and
legal foundation, all persons of Czech nationality are requested to submit any
objections to this decision in writing within 14 days. The výbor is certain
that the Czech citizens of Neutitschein, who have lived here throughout the time
of the German occupation, will be guided in their submissions only by the
interests of the people and the state. Any and all intervention in the affairs of
Germans are admissible. Jan Oplustil, Chairman of the Národní
výbor." Nobody submitted any objections.

Soon after these posters were first put up, a vast number of red placards from the
Communist Party appeared in every corner of the city. They declared that all
Germans without difference would have to be expelled. Other posters obligated
the "so-called anti-Fascists" to display the 15-cm-tall "N" on the left side of their
On December 18, 1945 I had to vacate my own home in favor of the Czech Major
Dlouhý. As compensation I was assigned one room and kitchen, where 23
of the 36 window panes were missing. An appeal to the Mayor and Public School
Director Bechný, with whom I was personally acquainted, was to no
avail. Allegedly the government permitted a German to have one room at
I applied to the security consultant at the local Czech výbor in
Neutitschein for a certificate attesting to
my anti-Fascist activities. On the basis of my documentation I received a very
detailed one. With this certificate I applied for resettlement
as anti-Fascist, which was specially organized by the Social Democrats. Even
though I had never belonged to a political party, I was accepted. Nonetheless, on
March 19, 1946, I received the order to comply with regular resettlement
[expulsion], with only 50 kg of luggage. When I showed
my anti-Fascist certificate, it was taken from me. It bore the original signatures of
the security consultant and the Chairman of the výbor, along with an
official seal. My complaint to the Chairman resulted in him reissuing me the
confiscated certificate, but he too could not exempt me from the imminent
expulsion. Late in the evening before the scheduled expulsion, an order arrived
from Prague, stating that
the anti-Fascists should still be exempted for the time being.
I had to apply all over again for resettlement as anti-Fascist. It was again
I had the Communist Chairman of the district výbor issue me written
confirmation that due to my being resettled
as anti-Fascist I was exempt from confiscation of my possessions. I was issued
this confirmation politely and without problems. Armed with this document, and
within the specified time frame, I reported to the national výbor,
Moravian Ostrau branch office, to protest against the confiscation of my
possessions. This office notified me that due to an October 18, 1946 decision of
the Moravian-Silesian national výbor, Moravian Ostrau branch office, my
protest was denied.
On November 26, 1946 my family and I had to report for resettlement [expulsion]
to Bavaria.
Report No. 272
Gross maltreatment and
Reported by: Franz Bordirsky Report of July 11, 1946 (Neutitschein)
I was
arrested on June 26, 1945 by Czech policemen, who took me right off the field
where I was working and to the community office. There I was shown a gun
which had allegedly been found in my house, and I was asked where it had come
from. I didn't know the first thing about this gun and was therefore unable to give
them any information. Then they downright tortured me to extort a confession.
First they beat me bloody with rubber truncheons. Two days later I was
questioned again, and they accompanied the interrogation by whipping me on my
legs and the soles of my feet. I was stabbed in the side with a knife so that the
blood ran down. Then I was choked unconscious with a belt. After that they
burned my face and ears with
a red-hot iron and singed my hair, and then they forced me to press a shovel up
against the wall with my nose while holding up a brick in each hand. Whenever
my arms sagged or the shovel dropped, I was beaten again, so that I collapsed
several times. They concluded their treatment by beating me over my legs and
feet with wooden sticks. This produced open wounds, one of which has still not
scarred over to this day, a year later. In the state I was in, they then kept me
imprisoned for ten days in the basement of the school. Then I was taken by car to
Neutitschein and again imprisoned. The next day I was walked to the
concentration camp. Not until the next day was I admitted to the hospital, but
discharged again two weeks later on the order of the Czech doctor because the
hospital had to be cleared of all Germans. I was returned to my prison cell, and on
December 7 I was transferred to the concentration camp, where I remained until
June 7 this year. On that day a hearing was finally held, and I was acquitted of the
charge of unlawful possession of a firearm, but nonetheless I was sentenced to ten
months in prison for allegedly having pulled a bayonet out of a Czech
policeman's boot and threatening him with it.
Nieder-Mohrau and
Report No. 273
Abuse of young people
Reported by: Johann Stanzl Report of July 3, 1946
On September 13, 1945 I was arrested in Nieder-Mohrau,
even thought the police was aware that I had already been diabetic for a year and
a half. I was 16 years old at the time and was accused of having been a
"werewolf". There had been no werewolf organizations in the entire surrounding
region. 52 young people and adult men were arrested along with me. All food we
had with us was confiscated. We were transferred to Olmütz and penned
into a school there. We were all dreadfully maltreated by the guards there every
day. Rations were very scant, and frequently inedible. In six weeks at least ten
people starved to death. In early November we were transferred to the Hodolein
concentration camp, where I was released about three weeks later, for health
On April 7 of this year I and 15 other youths from Nieder-Mohrau were again
imprisoned after a barn
in Nieder-Mohrau had burned down. As it turned out later, a Czech had set it on
fire. I was arrested even though at the time of the arson I had been bedridden for
three days, as I'd been repeatedly since my release from the concentration camp.
After 24 hours I was again released for health reasons. The other boys were
detained longer.
Niemes and Grottau
Report No. 274
Women severely abused
Reported by: Elfriede Brockelt Report of October 15, 1946
After my father passed away, my son and I took care of my
mother's agricultural estate in Niemes. On June 1st of last year the
Národní výbor in Denis ordered me to move back to
Denis to my own home. I complied with this order immediately. On June 6 my
husband and I were suddenly arrested, with no reason being given, and
incarcerated in the prison in Grottau. In Grottau I was badly maltreated. We had
to work on the railroad, and every morning before work as well as after our return
to the camp in the evening we were beaten with fists and rubber truncheons. My
husband and I were separated, and I have not seen him again since. On June 13 of
last year,
we - approximately 30 people - were committed to the District Court of
Reichenberg. On our arrival the men had to strip naked in the hallway and were
beaten with rubber truncheons and whips. We five women were led to the
Women's Section and badly maltreated there. Each of us had to strip completely
naked and bend over a bed, and four soldiers would then beat us with rubber
truncheons and whips. When it was my turn as the last of the five of us, I refused
to undress, as it was that time of month for me. A sergeant checked to see if it
was true, and then declared, "That doesn't matter." Since I still refused to
undress, a sergeant pulled my top up and another one my pants down, and then
four men beat me on my back, buttocks, legs and feet with rubber truncheons and
whips. It must have been 25 to 30 blows. I was black and blue from this
maltreatment. When I was supposed to return to my cell, I collapsed. I dragged
myself into the cell with the last of my strength of will. An hour later we were
fetched to report to the admissions office, where I was again threatened with the
whip for having crossed the border with my children in 1938. When I returned to
the cell one of the sergeants boxed me about the head and dragged me into the
cell by my hair, because I "also" had children, as he put it. On September 5 this
year I was sentenced to five years' imprisonment with forced labor. I had to do
janitorial work. On October 10 I was released, without having tried to effect my
release, and without being told a reason for it. My husband was also sentenced to
five years' imprisonment and is still being detained in Karthaus.
Report No. 275
Maltreatment, torture to extort a confession
Reported by: Johann Gerlinger Report of June 17, 1946
September 21, 1945, four Czechs came at night, knocked on the door of my
house and asked me where I kept my pistol. I have never in my life owned a
weapon, and said so. At that, they thrashed me with their rifle barrels, and beat
me black and blue all over. To this day I have not regained the use of my left
arm. Then I was ordered to report to the community office, where I was given
water to wash up, as I was covered in blood. Then they led me into the basement
and hung me up by my hands, which were tied behind my back, and left me
hanging like that for half an hour. After they had untied me, I tried to drink from
a water tub as we passed it on the street. One of the guards shoved my head
under the water. Then I was locked up. The following night I was released
without any further interrogation, and threatened that I would get more beatings
if I told anyone how I had been maltreated. Meanwhile my family had been
thrown out of our house. They had only been able to secretly take a few minor
possessions with them. We stayed with my sister for three weeks. Then I and my
wife were imprisoned in the Nikolsburg concentration camp, where I had to stay
for nine months. My wife was released after two months because she was ailing.

Report No. 276
Severe maltreatment in the Nikolsburg concentration
to extort a confession
Reported by: M. Krebs Report of June 17, 1946 (Nikolsburg)
I was arrested
on May 26, 1945 and taken to
the court-building of Nikolsburg on the following day. There I was asked for
my NSFK-uniform [NSFK = organization affiliated to the NSDAP] and for
my shot-gun. I declared that I had never possessed a uniform and that I had
delivered the gun to a Czech trustee. This they refused to believe. In order to
extort a confession from me I was then subjected to
severe ill-treatment. On two occasions I was placed over a chair and received 25
strokes with a rubber hose, which they obliged me to count myself. Afterwards I
was forced to undress completely and then I had to run the gauntlet in a secluded
yard between 12 to 15 men, who were armed
with rubber-truncheons, tubes, rods, cables etc. On this occasion I received blows
especially in the epigastric region and the genitals. I broke down several times
and while on the ground I was trampled under foot. Then I was left standing in
the yard at dusk. Three Czechs
returned and I was beaten for the second time; they placed me over a chair, one
man pressing my head and the other my feet towards the floor. How many strokes
I received I do not know, but in any case they were enough to cause me to faint.
After they had poured water over me the beating was continued.
On May 28, in spite of my wounds, I was again maltreated. 14 days later the
wounds on my buttocks burst open and for four weeks were in a festering
condition. I stayed in
the sick-room for the whole of this period. As a result of a blow which I had
received on the spine from an automatic pistol I also suffered from neuralgia,
followed by atrophy of the right hand which still persists. I myself saw many
other prisoners being tortured
and ill-treated in the same way. The beatings were carried out by the following
Czechs: Malicek, Medek, Tyrsch, Trha, Blaha and Schick, the last of whom with
his automatic pistol shot down Mrs. Mischensky from Weißstätten in
front of the other prisoners.
During the first six weeks no bread at all was distributed. The daily ration
consisted of two cold potatoes and two slices
of beet-root. Later on we received 250 g (½ pound) of bread daily and
a potato-soup; for six weeks there was no salt in the soup. There was no heating
even during the winter. The windows had
been lime-washed and barbed wire stretched over them. A wagon full of clothes,
linen and undergarments, a gift from UNRRA to the camp inmates, was shared
out among the guards.
I am prepared to swear to this statement.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out