Klösterle and
Report No. 228
Maltreatment of young people
Reported by: Josef Jugl, forestry official
On the
evening before Whitsun 1945 a friend warned me that my arrest was
imminent. To avoid it, I fled the same day to relatives living nearby in the Erzgebirge (Ore
Mountains). But already the next day, on Whitsun, my mother came to see me
and told me that my father had been arrested by the Czechs, as hostage, and that
he would be shot if I did not surrender myself voluntarily. With that trick they
got me into their power. On the way home Mother told me how it had all
happened. Since the Czechs didn't find me, they took Father instead. He had just
been doing gardening chores when the Czechs arrived. Since he was only
wearing a shirt and trousers he wanted to quickly put on a jacket, but he wasn't
allowed to do even that. Amid crude curses they yanked the radio from its place
and shoved it at my father to carry. My grandparents, who begged for mercy for
my father, were pushed around and threatened that they too would be arrested.
After the Czechs had once more threatened that my father would be shot if I did
not turn myself in, they left the house. I arrived at home on Whitsun evening.
Since curfew had arrived by that time, I decided to report the next day. I did so
on Monday morning. At the "Národní Výbor," where I
reported, I was briefly searched by Czechs who had been employed as civilian
workers in my home town during the war. They took various items from me,
such as my wallet, ID papers etc. Then they took me into the basement of City
Hall, where I was locked into a cell. One of the guards admonished me not to
commit suicide, since that would be cowardly, as he put it. The cell was small
and contained only a few things. Off to one side there lay an old straw pallet, and
a few benches were piled up opposite it. In the corner behind the door stood a
bucket that still contained my predecessor's excrements.
The time passed incredibly slowly, and minutes turned to hours. Since I could
hear the City Hall clock strike I always knew what time it was. After about two
hours, keys rattled outside the door and the bolts were pushed back. Two men in
green uniforms entered, making a great deal of noise. Since they spoke not a
word of German I couldn't make any sense of their yelling. In the assumption
that they had come to take me to an interrogation, I headed for the door. That
very instant they yanked me back, dragged my hands up and began beating me
with leather belts. They also feigned that they would shoot me; barely had they
left, when renewed stomping and rattling announced more visitors. This time it
was an entire group of men, who regarded me hatefully.
One tall, broad-shouldered man was particularly conspicuous in this group. He
was the one who began the following interrogation. I had to answer his questions
with lightning speed; as soon as I hesitated even for a second he swung his
leather whip. I was not allowed to give explanations of any kind, so that I could
mostly say only yes or no. I was accused of having been a werewolf, even though
not a single shot had been fired by civilians anywhere in our entire region. With
horrible threats he tried to force me to make a confession, but as yet I still had
the strength to resist these accusations.
This is the only way that, for example, instructors from the Hitler Youth
Organization's Bann Education Camp in Kaaden could have been made
to testify that they had actually trained the students in their educational programs
to be werewolves. This resulted in many totally innocent boys being arrested and
put to great suffering. One method that the Czechs favored was to play one
prisoner against the other. If they were willing to make accusations against each
other, they got off more easily, but woe to any of them who dared deny the
Czech allegations. For example, Mr. Otto Hammerschmidt from the Zuflucht
suburb of Klösterle was badly maltreated because he had declared that I
was innocent.
But now back into the cell. After the interrogation had failed to bring the desired
result despite all attempts at intimidation, they broke it off, after telling me that I
would be taken to the main prison in Kaaden. Again, hours passed. In the
evening the Czechs even gave me a bag with food and a blanket that my parents
had sent. Hardly had I finished eating before the guards returned to pick up the
bag. They rummaged through it and noted that there was no knife among the
cutlery. I tried to make them understand that my parents had not included a
knife, but they wouldn't believe it and so they searched the entire cell. Since
they absolutely could not find anything, I was searched again. They took almost
everything I had, even my little pocket comb. When I asked them to at least let
me keep the comb, they gave it back to me with the remark that I'd better not
use it to scratch through my carotid artery. Before they left the cell they urged
me to simply confess to everything when I was interrogated again. When I told
them that I had nothing to confess, they took on a threatening demeanor. When
this made me so upset that I had to throw up, the Czechs finally left.
I was left in peace during the night, and was also not harassed very much the
following forenoon. But there was no food or drink to be had. I wasn't hungry
anyway, but all the more thirsty. Around noon they got me from my cell. I had to
keep my hands raised as they herded me, with blows from cudgels, to the market
square, where I had to get on a vehicle loaded with loot. Aside from myself and
many Czech soldiers there was also another German on this vehicle. Since it
seemed that not everything was ready yet, we had some time to take a last look
at our town. Suddenly, in the distance, I saw my sister approaching to bring me
some food. But the Czechs did not let her near the vehicle, so that she had to
make her way home again, mission unaccomplished. Later she told me that the
Czechs had turned her away with the words, "he's not getting any slop for a
while." Hours passed before the vehicle drove off. In Meretitz the ride was again
interrupted, and we two Germans were taken into the former "Sumag" where we
were again interrogated. My compatriot was
fortunate - he was let go. As for me, they tried again to intimidate me with
threats, but when that did not succeed I was put back onto the vehicle, which
now drove on in the direction of Kaaden. But this had by no means been the last
stop; we stopped outside almost every house along the road. The soldiers rushed
in and looted to their hearts' content. They were especially eager to appropriate
any alcohol they could lay their hands on. The result was that soon they were in
the midst of a great booze fest. The soldier sitting to my right kept dropping a
box containing some items he had looted, and since I helped him pick it up he
grew increasingly friendly towards me. He asked me how old I was and why I
had been arrested. Half way between Klösterle and Kaaden he advised me
to jump off the truck and run for it. I hesitated, suspecting a trap. But he said to
me: "Kaaden prison bad, you still young". Now I was convinced of his honest
intent, and there was no stopping me; in only a few minutes the sheltering forest
had taken me in. In Kaaden they waited for me in vain. Later I found out from
acquaintances that my name had repeatedly been read out at roll call in the
Kaaden prison, of course without anyone answering.
It would have been extremely dangerous to hide out at home, and so I decided to
seek shelter with some acquaintances. Then, when house searches became more
and more frequent, I could not hide there any longer either. So I went into the
woods. One day the Czechs observed
my 15-year-old cousin carrying food into the woods. This resulted in his being
arrested, right along with my uncle. Since my cousin remained steadfast despite
all abuse and stuck to his story of just having taken some food to a man who was
returning home from abroad, they were ultimately released again, but from that
time on they had to report to the Národní výbor every
day. With that, the time of suffering had come for them as well, since beatings
were the order of the day there. So now I could no longer stay in my homeland
without endangering all those who helped me. On July 10,1945 I managed to
cross the border, after having been shot at by a Czech patrol only the day before.
Kohling, Schindelwald,
Report No. 229
Maltreatment, executions
Reported by: Karl Sandner Report of December 5, 1945
In Kohling and Schindelwald, two towns in Neudek District of the
ten men were shot after the unconditional surrender of the German Reich. These
men were arrested by the Czechs, and maltreated. They were beaten bloody. In
one case a picture of Hitler had been found in a closet when the man in question
was arrested, and the Czechs forced him to eat it [the photo]. The ten men were
arrested on a Monday (I no longer recall the exact date) in Schönlind,
Neudek District, and were to be taken to Neudek on Tuesday. In the truck, which
was manned all round by Czechs, they had to lie on their stomachs so that the
townspeople wouldn't see how they were being maltreated. On the way to
Neudek a Czech motorcyclist came towards us and issued different orders. They
drove back to Schönlind again, and that same evening they had to dig their
own graves. Wednesday morning, around 5 or 6 o'clock, they were shot after all.
Their kin were forbidden to visit the grave, and were chased away by the Czechs
standing guard there.
(near Prague)
Report No. 230
Slave labor on farm
Reported by: Erna Zicha Report of June 26, 1946
son and I were arrested in Prague on May 9, 1945 and imprisoned first in a movie
theater and then in a school. On June
4 - a day on which my son was so badly beaten that his back was
bleeding - we were sent to Kojetitz, near Prague, to work on the estate of one Mr.
Vávra. 104 Germans, primarily women and children, were forced to work
there. Our treatment was very bad. Even though many people fell ill, there was no
medical care for us. In the beginning, an average of two people died each week of
debilitation or due to the lack of medical care. Children died of diphtheria, and
there was no care for them either. We had only those clothes that we had worn at
our arrest, and due to the hard work to which we were put they quickly wore out,
and were not replaced.
The poorly-dressed people had to work on the estate even in sub-zero
temperatures. I had to load manure onto a cart and spread it on the field
in -26° C [-15° F] weather, without gloves and in shoes so torn that my
toes stuck out. At work many were beaten with a stick by the administrator. Miss
Elfriede Schulz from Berlin, who had been raped and was now pregnant, was
beaten on the lower back with a pitch fork. Mr. and Mrs. Diehl were beaten so
badly by the farmer Melwal that they turned to the police for help, which they
were denied.
I have a severe heart condition, but nonetheless I had to do hard labor for 10
hours every day. Despite the hard work our rations consisted only of two cups of
unsweetened black coffee, some watery soup, and 125 g [4½ oz.] bread
per day. By October our number had been reduced to about
90 - the others had died. We were housed in a shed, and later in small rooms of 9
sq.m. [97 sq.ft.] for groups of 8 of us. Even in winter we received no blankets, nor
was there any heating. We barely had the means to wash. All winter long, men
and women alike had to wash at the outdoor pump in the square. There was also
no warm water or tubs for doing laundry. As a result everyone had lice, and many
got scabies, abscesses etc. There were people who were literally being eaten alive
by worms and lice.
One almost 70-year-old woman who was totally debilitated and could no longer
even get up was taken by the Czechs and laid onto an open cart in the yard, where
she died miserably. My husband had been in Russian captivity and had lost three
fingers on his right hand in an accident in the mill where he had to work, and as a
result the Russians had released him, but the Czechs imprisoned him
in Brünn-Zidenice, Malá klaidovka, and refused all requests for his
release even when I was being resettled [expelled].
Report No. 231
Labor camp Kolin,
Reported by: Ernst Hahn Report of August 29, 1946
June 1945 I and another 200 or so people from Neudek District, all between the
ages of 13 and 80 years, were assigned by the Neudek Employment Office to
a 3-week harvesting job in Kolin. From Neudek we were transported off in
railway carriages, with normal occupancy. The train also included a carriage with
Czech guard personnel. When we passed the American zone checkpoint in
Chodau the transport was stopped by the Americans. The guards had vanished. In
Komotau the guards, who had by then reappeared, chased us out of the carriages
and penned us into two freight cars secured with barbed wire. That's where the
maltreatment began. Clothes, linen and watches were all taken from us. When we
were unloaded in Kolin the civilian population threw stones at us, spat at us,
cursed and kicked us, and the guards not only tolerated this but even joined in.
Systematic torture began in the internment camp Kolin. Confessions were to be
extorted from us. Especially the children were threatened with pistols and
with red-hot nails until they gave the desired statements. They were forced to
write farewell letters to their parents and were totally worn down in every respect.
One man was hung overnight from the eaves trough by his hands, which were tied
behind his back, and then beaten to death the following day. Another man,
Flasche by name, who was from West Germany and had been evacuated to
Neudek, died a similarly horrible death. His genitals were kicked to a pulp.
Rations were so poor that everyone had dropsy, and legs bursting open was a
common occurrence. There were several deaths each day, the consequence of
malnutrition and maltreatment. Nonetheless we were forced with rifle butts and
rubber truncheons, steel cables, whips etc. to do hard labor. Many collapsed and
died while at work. After a temporary and barely noticeable improvement in late
fall, the unbearable conditions resumed even worse at Christmas and went on for
months. In May I was suddenly declared to be a prisoner of war, and was
transferred to a different camp.
I can take this statement on my oath.
Report No. 232
Internment camp, maltreatment
Reported by: Anton Kragl Report of June 27, 1946 (Kolin)
I was ordered to compulsory
labour service for a whole year in the camp at Kolin. At first the
camp had almost 700 inmates, among them juveniles aged 13 and up. The food was so bad that
many developed swollen legs and open sores. Nevertheless they had to work and were often
with fists or rifle butts. About ten men died of malnutrition. No wages were paid. Among the
inmates were men with five children, who had been taken away from their families. They
not send money home, as they earned nothing. Everything, including clothing, was taken away
from us on our arrival. Our work clothes had to be sent from home. When we were released we
did not get back the things which had been taken from us. About 140 men were still in the
when I was released on June 9th, 1946.
(near Prague)
Report No. 233
Inhuman brutality of a Czech farmer in February
Reported by: Antonia Stanek Report of June 26, 1946
I was employed as agricultural
laborer with a Czech innkeeper and farmer in
Komoschau near Prague. One evening in February of this year, while listening
to the Czech news on the radio, I commented that one need not believe
everything one hears. At that, my employer's wife jumped up and said that I had
no say in anything at all, that they had seen just by looking at my son that he
had a large fortune on him and that he had surely stolen it. I asked her what she
knew of my son. She replied that my son was buried on this farm and that her
husband had wanted to tell me from the start. I asked her why they had killed
him. I was told: "Because he was a German, and we have the right to kill any
German we want to." The next morning the farmer said to me: "If we had
known how indispensable you would become to us, we would have kept him to
work for us as well." His mother then told me that a German had been beaten to
death in the farmyard last August.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out