Report No. 103
Severe maltreatment in the course of house
Reported by: Adolf Lux Report of September 30, 1946
On July 2 of last
year partisans searched all the houses
in Alt-Bürgersdorf. My house was searched as well, and they helped
themselves to two violins and other things they liked, especially linen, clothing
and shoes. They took off their own clothes and changed into mine. I was not
personally attacked during all this. Then they went to my neighbor's, where they
allegedly found a revolver. Thereupon they returned to my house, turned
everything upside down and demanded a revolver from me too. I had none. This
prompted them to maltreat me badly. I was punched in the face to the point
where I lost 4 teeth, and another 3 were knocked loose. They threatened to shoot
me, and did indeed fire shots in my home, hitting me in the foot. Then they
ordered me to carry one of my blankets to the collection point in the local
school. I hobbled painfully to the school. On the way back I went to a local
creek, took off my shoe and washed out the bullet wound. When I returned to my
home another partisan was waiting for me, and led me off to the Commissar,
where he maltreated me again and then kicked me out of the house.
(near Slabings)
Report No. 104
Slave labor, inspection of personal
Reported by: Reinhold Meiniger Report of October 15, 1946
I was an orderly in a field hospital and was discharged
from my duties there by the Russians on June 24 of last year. In Althart, near
Slabings, the Czech gendarmes detained me, beat me up and robbed me blind
(they even took the boots off my feet), and then I was put to agricultural labor on
the Hejnitz farm near Slabings. For 4 weeks we got no bread at all there. We
literally lived on dry potatoes. We got no salt for half a year. There were 32 of us
there - discharged soldiers, all of us sick or injured since the Russians had not
discharged any healthy ones. We had to work from 4 o'clock in the morning
until 10 at night, with
a one-hour break at noon. Anyone who was not up to the work load due to his
poor health, or who did not know how to do the farm work (some of us were
students), was beaten mercilessly. I was put to work on the chaffcutter, which I
had never operated before, and in the foreman's opinion I was not productive
enough the first day, and so, that evening, he boxed me about the head and beat
me with a stick. I complained to the administrator, but all that got me was
another beating the same night from the gendarmes who were called in. The
foreman's name was Josef Brychta. Beatings like that took place every day. I had
to work on the farm under these circumstances until August 8th of this year. My
wife had already been expelled from our home the previous summer, with our
two children and only a bare minimum of hand luggage. In this way we lost all
of our possessions. Our resettlement [expulsion] luggage consists only of old
things that were given to us by others, and on our expulsion the
Národní výbor of Christofsgrund near Reichenberg
looted even this meager luggage and took everything that was remotely usable,
for example all our dishes, all the children's clothes, etc. After we complained
about this in the resettlement [expulsion] camp
in Alt-Habendorf, the Národní výbor of Christofsgrund
was ordered to return the stolen things to me. Instead, I was given a few other
items that were much worse than what we had had, for example a mismatched
pair of shoes, and no dishes.
Report No. 105
Sick old woman robbed
Reported by: Anna Drösler Report of August 19, 1946
I am 62 years old and suffer
from heart disease. For 4 years I have been
widowed. On September 1, 1945 five Czech civilians, among them the
postman Brechal, came to my home and conducted a wild house search,
confiscating everything of value in the process. On September 2 some
gendarmes came and did the same, even more destructively. On September 25
a gendarme arrived with several civilians, among them the new owner [of my
house], kicked me out of
bed - the doctor had given me an injection just shortly before - and gave me
only 20 minutes to vacate my home. They threatened to beat me with a
bludgeon. Being a sick woman, I was hardly able to pack anything to take with
me in such a short time. I was driven from my home and found a place to stay
in one of the cellar rooms, where I have lived without any furnishings until
now. My request, to at least let me have a sofa from my home, was refused. I
had to lie on boards and straw. The new owner Jakob declared that Germans
must not be allowed to keep anything. All my linen and clothes remained in
my home. The only luggage I had at the time of my expulsion belonged to
my sister-in-law, and I even had to surrender three sets of underwear and a
dress from this hand luggage.
Report No. 106
Maltreatment of a farmer's
Reported by: Emilie Reinhold Report of August 23, 1946
September 8, 1945 a Czech administrator was posted to our farm. He treated us
very badly. My family of five were the only laborers on the 96-acre estate. The
administrator himself didn't do any work at all, but constantly accused us of
sabotage even though we worked like mules 15 hours a day just to manage
everything that needed to be done. For 7 months we were each paid only 1,000
Kcs. in wages, and only 1,500 Kcs. for 2 months. We had to buy our own food
on so-called German ration cards. In the morning of January 13 two horses were
suddenly missing, and the administrator accused us of having secretly sold them.
We were led away, and my son and I were dreadfully maltreated. We were
released to go home again the very same day, since probably nobody seriously
believed that we had stolen the horses. But from that day on the administrator's
harassment became unbearable. When my daughter fell ill on June 3 of this year,
he was so enraged and threatened us with maltreatment that I suffered a nervous
breakdown and was unconscious for hours and couldn't walk for three weeks
Report No. 107
Tormenting of an invalid
Reported by: Anton Stockner Report of August 22, 1946
I was arrested on
July 4th,
at Altsattel and taken to the camp at Elbogen.
Although - immediately on my arrival at Elbogen - I had reported that I have a
I was not separated from the other persons, but was forced to participate, together
with the
both morning and evening in compulsory sport. We had, for example, to run a
hundred times
around the chalet, which I was quite unable to do. When I reported this, I was
struck several
and was forced to continue the exercise. On another occasion when I could not
run any longer I
was forced to lie on the ground and
do push-ups until the others had finished their hundred rounds. Whenever my
arms collapsed, I
was kicked. The other strenuous gymnastic exercises were often too much for me
and in
consequence I was always receiving blows. I was not to see permitted a doctor
until July 10th.
then sent me to the hospital where they diagnosed an exudate as a consequence of
Subsequent to my discharge from the hospital, at the end of August, the
pneumothorax was
once more on September 24th, but when I returned in October, in order to get
another filling, it
was refused to me.
In November I was transported to Třemošna
where, while going to fetch a parcel for a comrade, I was struck three times with
a whip. At the
beginning of December I came back to Elbogen as an invalid. There, when I
failed to appear for the roll call, from which sick persons were usually exempted,
I was slapped so violently that my spectacles broke.
Report No. 108
72-year-old man harassed
Reported by: Albert Geppert Report of October 9, 1946
On September 22,
1945 I was stopped on the street and asked for my identification. I showed my ID
card. It was taken from me; no reason was given. I was committed to the
concentration camp Arlsdorf, where I was detained until May 24 of this year
despite my advanced age (I am 72 years old). The rations we received were totally
inadequate. Once, when I brought a bit of bread back into the camp from
work - bread that an acquaintance had given me on the
way - the guard boxed me about the head to the point that I have lost my hearing
in my right ear. Parcels were regularly looted. When I was released, the watch
that had been taken from me on my committal was not returned to me. Two other
watches which I had sent out for repair were confiscated from the watchmaker by
the gendarmerie.
(in the Sudeten Mountains)
Report No. 109
Murder of a husband and
Reported by: Marie Rumler Report of January 14, 1948
I lived in the
Gebirgs-Strasse at
Arnau in the Sudeten Mountains. At the same address there
resided my son, Josef Rumler and his wife Marie, née Petrik. My son was
a master
locksmith and
my daughter-in-law a teacher of English at the High School in Arnau.
On June 18, 1945, my son and his wife were due for transfer. When the people
were assembled
the market-place of Arnau, my son must have stood in the wrong place. He was
terribly beaten
and when his wife tried to protect him, she was also struck and dragged around by
her hair.
they were both driven into the court
of the town-hall, beaten once more and finally shot.
I can swear to the correctness of this information; moreover almost the entire
population of
Arnau witnessed the incident.
(near Hennersdorf)
Report No. 110
Confession extorted by means of
Reported by: Karl Ehrlich Report of June 19, 1946
On December
19, 1945 my wife and I were taken to the community office of
Arnsdorf near Hennersdorf. I was asked whether I could speak Czech and
whether I owned weapons. I replied no to both questions. Consequently I was
severely maltreated. The Czechs repeatedly threw me against the wall, and
punched me in the face at least ten times, knocking out two of my teeth. They
interspersed it all with persistent questions about where I had hidden my
weapons and ammunition. Then I was forced to sign a Czech police statement,
the contents of which I did not know. This abuse lasted all night.
In the meantime my wife was maltreated as well. She had to raise her arms and
was then punched in the side. Then she was locked into the cellar, where she was
boxed about the head until she fainted. The partisans came to me several times
during the night and said that my wife had just confessed where my weapons
were hidden. They had also gone to my wife and said that I had confessed. The
next day I was sent to Jägerndorf and then, from there, to Witkowitz for
forced labor. As a result of the abuse my wife was so ill the next day that she
could not be moved, and therefore she was not sent to the labor camp until
February 1.
In Witkowitz the people were beaten up and harassed as well. If anyone went
missing, the entire group was locked into the cellar overnight without food, to be
sent back to work without rations the next day. That happened to me too,
Report No. 111
Maltreatment for the purpose of
Reported by: Anna Koch Report of June 7, 1946
At the beginning of
May a
left the transfer-camp at Asch for the province Hesse. At the
time the transport of expellees left the camp, I was standing in
my sister-in-law's garden together with several women, among them a woman
well known as
an anti-fascist; the garden was right opposite the camp, separated from it only by
a road.
a man of the SNB and one of the NB appeared in the garden and ordered us to go
into the
house. When we got into the house, each woman had to stand with her face to the
The anti-fascist woman was told to slap the faces of the others. Since she did not
carry out the
order to the satisfaction
of the NB- or the SNB-man, she received a blow on her legs with a stick. Then
the man
demonstrated to her how she should strike us. I received from him two blows on
each cheek
so did the others. Then
the anti-fascist woman had to repeat the blows. Laughing, the two Czechs
Such events happened quite often in those days, sometimes the people were
beaten till they
I am prepared to repeat these statements under oath.
Report No. 112
Abuse of Germans in May
Reported by: Anton Woeschka Report of June 3, 1946
May 8 last year I was arrested, along with 24 other inhabitants of my town
Auherzen. There were three women among us. With our hands raised, we had to
line up beside the village pond, and had to stand there until all 25 of us had been
rounded up. If anyone lowered his hands due to exhaustion, he was immediately
clubbed about the head. This went on for about 4 hours. Then we were loaded
onto a truck. While boarding, everyone was beaten with sticks. We were carted
off to Lihn. During the ride a man in the truck beat us terribly, so that everyone
bled from wounds on their head and face. When we disembarked in Lihn we were
also beaten until we reached the Town Hall. In the Town Hall we were beaten
even more, until none of us could still stand upright. Then we were looted of our
possessions. We all had to undress completely for this procedure, and then we
were robbed not only of any and all watches and rings but even of our clothes.
Then former Russian prisoners of war were ordered to beat us, which they did.
Then the Czechs took over and beat us all over again. By this time everyone was
bleeding from many wounds. Then we were ordered to beat each other with a
heavy strap. A bucket of cold water was dumped on each of us, and then we were
herded into a room where we were locked up. The next day we were interrogated.
I was dismissed as being innocent. The Czech commission was made up of young
people aged 18 to 20.
I can take this statement on my oath, and Josef Heckenthaler, Josef Lappat, Josef
Peller, Wenzel Cibulka, Josef Holley and Josef Jaklin can corroborate it.
(District Aussig)
Report No. 113
Blind woman robbed
Reported by: Marie Schlechte Report of November 6, 1946
On June 11,
1946 my husband and I were admitted to the hospital. Ever since 1938 my
husband has suffered from a severe psychosis and arteriosclerosis, and on that
day he had attempted to take his and my life. The Národní
in Auschine-Raudnai, Aussig District, the community where I lived, assured me
repeatedly that my home had been sealed and would be left as was until I
returned from the hospital. In late September the hospital gave me leave to fetch
clothing, linen, shoes and bedding from my home, to take with me for my
impending resettlement [expulsion]. But my home had been occupied by the
Czech Vyskocil. I was forbidden to enter it, and only got a very small portion of
my things, which he selected. I was given someone else's linen, of poor quality,
and no underwear at all. So I had to ask acquaintances for these necessities to
supplement my expulsion luggage. My wedding ring was withheld from me,
on the grounds that as a German I allegedly have no right to own gold. Being
blind, I was resettled [expelled] via the blind people's transport. My husband had
already passed away in the hospital in Aussig on June 16, 1946.
Report No. 114
Juveniles in the coal mines
Reported by: Rudolf Koppe Report of October 9, 1946
On October 18th,
1945, I was
called up by the gendarmerie for five weeks' service in
the sugar-refinery of Olmütz, together with 9 other juveniles from
Barzdorf. On the
next day
our employment was changed into 3 months' service in the mines of Ostrau, as
with full Czech rations. In fact we ended up working there for 11 months, down
in the pit;
the food was very bad, we received almost no salary and we were exposed to
constant terror
and maltreatment. The
daily working-time was 8 hours below ground and 4 hours above ground. The
food there
consisted of nothing
but water-gruel for the first months, later on we got 30 grams meat daily and 400
bread. Anyone who cooked potatoes in addition was punished. On arrival at
Ostrau our
were completely emptied and the contents were not returned to us when we were
our discharge we had to pay the fare home ourselves. The treatment was bad.
Every day we
called names and boxed on the ears; this occurred in the camp as well
as in the pit. In addition to the 12 hours working time we also had to do some
work for
from outside the camp.
(Northern Moravia)
Report No. 115
After release from Russian imprisonment,
forced internment in the Czech camp
Reported by: Erich Granzer Report of September 13, 1946
On June 26th,
1945, I was taken
prisoner by the Russians and sent to Saratow. On October 1st
I became seriously ill, was released, and arrived in Brünn on November
4th, 1945,
with a transport of about 2,000 released prisoners of war. We were completely
ignorant of
had happened in the meantime in the German areas of Czechoslovakia. From
Brünn we
were moved to the camp at Gurein. There the Czechs took away our Russian
telling us that we should get Czech discharge papers the following day in order to
be released
our homes, since these were situated in Czech territory. But in fact there was no
question of
discharge. Although seriously ill, everyone was forced to work. The treatment
was inhuman.
were crowded into barracks, packed together and we had to sleep on a bare earth
floor; we
received no blankets and suffered severely from the cold. There was no fuel. The
soup and 200 g bread once a day, black coffee twice a day. 12 to 16 men died
daily from
exposure, maltreatment and weakness caused by malnutrition. The dead were
stripped and
thrown into a common grave. At every opportunity we were severely beaten.
There were 300
in a barrack 15 by 6 meters (50 x 20 ft) in size. One night during the winter, when
6 men
take off their shoes because of the terrible cold and were caught by the nightly
inspection, all
the prisoners in the barrack were forced to parade barefoot in the snow; the 6 men
to kneel on chairs and were beaten with rods on the soles of their feet until these
with blood. One month later I arrived
at the prison-camp in Brünn where conditions were a little better, although
we were
beaten. Since my health was not the best, I was ordered to
the soap-works Krassel in January 1946, where I was given lighter work and was
able to
There I remained in internment until July 1946. When I ascertained, accidentally,
that my
had been transferred to Hesse, I used the opportunity to escape and I succeeded in
crossing the
Austrian border on foot. In the vicinity of Brünn are vast camps in which
there are still
thousands of Germans, civilians, women and children and also prisoners of war.
All these
are forced to do the hardest and most dirty work. As a result of the cruel
mistreatment and the
food the death-rate is extremely high. The people are reduced to skeletons and die
masse, the bodies are stripped, taken out of the camp
on rack-wagons and hand-carts and buried outside the cemeteries, in the fields or
at the edge
the woods, in mass graves. From the Czechs one hears only the slogan: the
Germans must die.
And they do everything to carry it into effect.
I am willing to testify to my statements upon oath at any time.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out