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Report No. 76
Pankratz, mass graves, mutilations
Reported by: Sebastian Herr Report of October 14, 1946
I am an ethnic German from
Romania and worked as tailor in the SS
Newscasting School in Leitmeritz. In May of last year I wanted to return to
Romania, but I was arrested in Prague and incarcerated in Pankratz prison.
There, on May 22 last year, I and other prisoners had to dig up the bodies of
SS men who had died during the Revolution and had been buried in mass
graves. In the process I saw from
the dug-up corpses that their ears and noses had ben cut off, their eyes were
gouged out and their hands had been scalded. There were 60 of us who had
to do this exhumation work, and while working we were beaten so dreadfully
that many of us lost consciousness. When we washed up after our work
excavating the bodies, we were
shoved head-first into the dirty wash water. I have only just been released
from Pankratz.
Report No. 77
The transport of Modrany
Reported by: border superindentent of Wiesau Report of May 21, 1946 (Prague)
This report is prompted by the
countless complaints of Sudeten German
refugees passing through the border train station of Wiesau on May 17, 1946 on
their way from Prague. These are not the allegations of individuals, but rather
the unanimous complaint of a total of 1,200 persons. I wish to give a general
account of life in the concentration camp, which is typical for camps such as
Modrany or Theresienstadt.
The camp inmates are not allowed to walk. Their normal speed of motion is
running. One woman, a singer from Prague, describes life there as follows: "60
percent of the German women have at one time or another been handed over to
the Russians to be raped. Every day the Czechs let Russians into the camp to
rape me and the other women, whomever they chose. Many women are still
being raped to this day. My legs are now paralyzed.
One pregnant woman who had to share with us the terrible life in the
concentration camp was forced, whenever a Czech soldier entered the room and
spat on the floor there, to kneel down and lick up his spittle. If she refused she
was beaten and kicked. But that was not enough. One of the soldiers beat her
until she threw up blood, and then forced her to eat her own vomit. Not until
then did the soldier deem that she had adequately obeyed his orders."
Czech priests, who openly declared that they had no pity for Germans, refused
to perform the last rites or to give spiritual aid to dying Germans.
Czech doctors refuse to treat sexually transmitted diseases resulting from rape
even though the German women beg them for help. Syphilis is not treated at all.
Gonorrhea is treated with a few tablets, which is considered sufficient. The
refugees are refused all other medications. Wounded soldiers who are covered
in open sores crawling with worms are simply left to their fate. They have to
treat each other and are given neither bandages nor ointments. People who do
not yet suffer from dysentery are forced to lick the dirty underwear of dysentery
patients, at the whim of the soldiers who throw the infectious garments in their
faces. If they refuse to lick on command, they are beaten senseless.
One fifteen-year-old boy whose father escaped from the camp was beaten every
day until his father was found again. He (the father) was then tied up and
doused with boiling water. The screams of the man thus tortured to death
prompted nervous breakdowns in many camp inmates. Convulsions and nervous
breakdowns are the order of the day anyhow, and the Czechs consider them
quite a natural state of affairs. It is impossible to describe all that has happened.
I have only given a few examples here.
I stress again that these are not individual allegations, but rather the unanimous
testimony of the Germans of Prague. The Germans have no rights at all in
This transport from Prague was called a transport of the sick. By far the most of
the refugees had to be unloaded immediately and taken to hospital. 90% of the
diagnoses were for general weakness and debilitation. "Catastrophic" is how
the doctors describe the state of health of the Germans from Prague.
All refugees are malnourished and totally emaciated. The overabundance of
complaints and suffering prompted me to send the transport directly to the
destination train station Schwabach, where the people can make their
depositions. The chief physician of Schwabach was alerted by telephone to the
incoming patients so that preventive measures could be taken to deal with the
infectious and sexually transmitted diseases.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out