 Concerning these Reports
The following reports were collected in the years after 1945. The signatures of the authors are
legally attested. In cases in which the full name of the author is not given, it has been withheld
of consideration for relatives still living in Czechoslovakia, or for friends to whom publication
their names might be dangerous. The same precautions have been taken with regard to the names
of Czechs who are mentioned in the reports and who showed a humane attitude towards the
The reports published represent only a part of the material available. They are intended to serve
first of all as typical examples of the events which took place in the course of the expulsion of
Sudeten Germans. It goes without saying that in view of the limited number of reports which
could be published here, not all places and incidents have been covered.
The reports are numbered consecutively and grouped alphabetically into two sections. Reports 1
through 102 tell of events in the larger cities Aussig, Brünn,
Brüx, Budweis, Gablonz, Iglau, Jägerndorf, Karlsbad, Kladno, Komotau,
Mährisch Ostrau, Mährisch Schönberg, Olmütz, Pilsen, Prague,
Reichenberg, Saaz-Postelberg, Tepliz-Schönau, Theresienstadt and Troppau. From
103 on, the reports are in alphabetical order by smaller towns.
Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans
Survivors speak out