Dr. Arlt: Über die Bevölkerungsverhältnisse im
Dr. Best: Die Verwaltung in Polen.
Dr. Dröscher: Die Weichsel.
Gauweiler, Helmut: Deutsches Vorfeld im Osten.
Dr. Grundmann: Führer durch Warschau.
du Prel: Das deutsche Generalgouvernement Polen.
Wehrmacht Supreme Command: Der Sieg in Polen.
Further sources included official administrative documentation for the District of Warsaw, particularly the monthly and annual reports of the various Departments and Divisions as well as occasional special reports, including those by:
Attorney Auerswald, Commissioner of the Jewish Residential Quarter,
Attorney Dr. Ballreich, Head of the Subdepartment of Assets in Trust,
Municipal Schools Inspector Fuhr, city precinct Warsaw,
Senior Administrative Councilor Dr. Gruschinske, Head of the Division of Research and Education,
Administrative Director Hoffmann, Head of the Division of Labor, the Employment Center of Warsaw, and the Social Security Division of Warsaw,
Administrative Councilor Dr. Kitt, Assistant Head of the Division of Labor,
Administrative Councilor Dr. Klein, Deputy Head of Internal Administration,
Dr. Kreker, Head of the Division of Food and Agriculture,
Senior Administrative Councilor and Forestry Commissioner Küchler, Head of the Division of Forestry,
Director of Continuing Education Kuntz, Consultant to the Division of Research and Education,
Dr. Lambrecht, MD., Head of the Subdepartment of Health Services within the Division of Internal Administration,
Administrative Councilor Dr. Meisen, Head of the Department for Price Control,
Sector Chief Pfliegner, Staff Head of the NSDAP District Divisional Headquarters in Warsaw,
President Schlosser, Head of the Economic Division,
Reichsamtsleiter Schön, Head of the Division of Internal Administration,
Administrative Councilor Dr. Schwender, County Administrator of Lowitsch,
Senior Administrative Councilor Dr. Sohnrey, Head of the Division of Labor,
Dr. Steinmetz, Head of the Division for Propaganda.

The Leading Men of Warsaw District
since 1939
[Trans. note:] where NS titles or positions have no real English counterpart
they have been left in the original form.
Governor |
SA-Gruppenführer Dr. Ludwig
Fischer, MdR.,
Head Service Leader of the NSDAP.,
since 30. 10. 1939 |
Chief of Administration |
Reichsamtsleiter Barth |
from |
30. 10. 39 |
to 31. 12. 40 |
Reichshauptstellenleiter Dr. Hummel |
since |
15. 1. 41 |
Personal Consultant to the Chief of Administration |
Reichsstellenleiter Dr. Seemann |
from |
27. 11. 39 |
to 31. 1. 41 |
Attorney and Notary Public Dr. Gollert |
since |
1. 2. 41 |
(previously Div. Justice) |
Department Heads |
Head Office |
Reichshauptstellenleiter Dr. Hummel |
from |
11. 12. 39 |
to 15. 1. 41 |
Reichsstellenleiter Dr. Seemann |
from |
24. 1. 41 |
to 31. 10. 41 |
Business Administrator Dr. Dressler |
from |
1. 11. 41 |
to 31. 8. 42 |
Attorney Assessor Rodeck |
since |
1. 9. 42 |
Personnel Department |
District Attorney Denzler |
from |
11. 1. 40 |
to 1. 2. 42 |
Attorney Assessor Dr. Kolb |
since |
1. 2. 42 |
Department of Environmental Planning |
Reichsstellenleiter Dr. Seemann |
from |
29. 4. 41 |
to 1. 4. 42 |
Attorney and Notary Public Dr. Gollert |
since |
1. 4. 42 |
Department for Price Control |
Administrative Councilor Dr. Meisen |
since |
1. 4. 40 |
Central Archives |
State Archives Councilor Dr. Weise |
from |
23. 10. 39 |
to 1. 8. 41 |
State Archives Councilor Dr. Eilers |
since |
1. 8. 41 |
Division Heads |
Internal Administration |
Reichsamtsleiter Dr. Gauweiler |
from |
7. 10. 39 |
to 17. 1. 41 |
Admin. Councilor Dr. Klein (temp.) |
from |
18. 1. 41 |
to 14. 3. 41 |
Reichsamtsleiter Schön |
since |
15. 3. 41 |
Finance |
Senior Admin. Councilor Dr. Breyhan |
from |
15. 11. 39 |
to 31. 5. 40 |
Senior Admin. Councilor Schmeisser |
from |
1. 6. 40 |
to 4. 2. 41 |
Senior Admin. Councilor Bersch |
since |
4. 2. 41 |
Justice |
District Court Director Brehm |
from |
27. 11. 39 |
to 1. 11. 41 |
County Court Director Kühne
(temp.) |
from |
1. 11. 41 |
to 15. 4. 42 |
District Court Director Dr. Heuer  |
from |
15. 4. 42 |
to 5. 6. 42 |
District Court Counsellor Mohr (temp.) |
from |
6. 6. 42 |
to 24. 7. 42 |
Chief District Court Counsellor v. Hinüber |
since |
25. 7. 42 |
Economy |
Admin. Councilor v. Coelln |
from |
30. 11. 39 |
to 12. 2. 40 |
Councilor Dr. Gaudig |
from |
12. 2. 40 |
to 1. 3. 40 |
President Schlosser, retd. |
since |
8. 3. 40 |
Food and Agriculture |
Reich Agricultural Councilor Grams |
from |
30. 11. 39 |
to 6. 5. 40 |
County Agricultural Advisor Naumann |
from |
7. 5. 40 |
to 1. 9. 41 |
Agriculturalist Dr. Kreker |
since |
1. 9. 41 |
Forestry |
Forestry Commissioner Back |
from |
1. 11. 39 |
to 17. 3. 41 |
Senior Admin. & Forestry Comm. Küchler |
since |
28. 3. 41 |
Labor |
Senior Admin. Councilor Espe  |
from |
5. 11. 39 |
to 17. 12. 39 |
Senior Admin. Councilor Dr. Sohnrey |
from |
17. 12. 39 |
to 1. 2. 42 |
Regierungsdirektor Hoffmann |
since |
1. 2. 42 |
Propaganda |
Senior Admin. Councilor Ohlenbusch |
from |
26. 10. 39 |
to 1. 2. 41 |
Herbert Gerdes |
from |
10. 3. 41 |
to 1. 10. 41 |
Dr. Steinmetz, Chem. Eng. |
since |
1. 10. 41 |
Research and Education |
Reichsamtsleiter Dr. Gauweiler |
from |
7. 10. 39 |
to 9. 4. 40 |
Senior Admin. Councilor Krüger |
from |
1[0]. 4. 40 |
to 30. 9. 41 |
Senior Admin. Councilor Dr. Gruschinske |
since |
1. 10. 41 |
Building and Construction |
Construction Councilor Heidelberg |
from |
10. 10. 39 |
to 31. 3. 40 |
Construction Assessor Mittag  |
from |
31. 3. 40 |
to 16. 11. 40 |
Chief of Construction Koch, ret'd. |
from |
10. 7. 40 |
to 1. 10. 41 |
Architect Köhler |
since |
4. 10. 41 |
Commissioner for the Jewish Residential Quarter of Warsaw |
Attorney Auerswald |
since |
15. 5. 41 |
City and County Administrators |
Warsaw (City Precinct) |
Mayor Dr. Dr. Otto, City Comm. |
October 1939 |
Mayor Dr. Dengel,
City Commissioner |
November 1939 |
to 15. 3. 40 |
SA-Oberführer Leist, Representative of the
District Head for the City of Warsaw |
from |
16. 3. 40 |
to 14. 9. 41 |
SA-Oberführer Leist, City Administrator |
since |
15. 9. 41 |
Garwolin |
Administrative Councilor Dr. Klein |
from |
17. 10. 39 |
to 1. 4. 41 |
Administrative Councilor Dr. Freudenthal |
since |
1. 4. 41 |
Grojec |
County Admin. Councilor Dr. Hampel |
from |
20. 10. 39 |
to 3. 3. 40 |
County Admin. Councilor Zimmermann |
since |
3. 3. 40 |
Lowitsch |
Administrative Councilor Dr. Schwender |
since |
20. 9. 39 |
Minsk |
Senior Admin. Councilor Dr. Bittrich |
since |
20. 10. 39 |
Ostrow |
Admin. Councilor Dr. Littschwager |
from |
25. 10. 39 |
to 1. 4. 42 |
SA-Standartenführer Valentin |
since |
15. 4. 42 |
Siedlce |
Admin. Councilor Dr. Gercke |
from |
28. 10. 39 |
to 1. 4. 42 |
Reichsstellenleiter Dr. Seemann |
since |
1. 4. 42 |
Skierniewice |
Administrative Councilor Dr. Rupé |
from |
16. 9. 39 |
to 1. 4. 41 |
As of
1. 4. 41. Skierniewice and
Lowitsch have been amalgamated |
Sochaczew |
County Admin. Councilor Pott |
from |
2. 10. 39 |
to 13. 3. 42 |
Admin. Councilor Dr. Scheu |
since |
26. 3. 42 |
Sokolow |
County Admin. Councilor Schulz |
from |
Oct. 39 |
to 10. 6. 40 |
Reich Agricultural Councilor Grams |
since |
10. 6. 40 |
Warschau (Rural) |
Admin. Councilor Dr. Rupprecht |
since |
3. 10. 39 |
Warsaw Under German Rule
German Reconstruction and Development in the District of Warsaw