Table LXIX:
Number of vessels entering the states bordering upon Germany
during the first months of submarine warfare
compared with arrivals during the first quarter of the year 1915.

[This page is part of our online-publication of the book
"A History of the Blockade of Germany and of the countries associated with her in the Great War:
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey"
by A. C. Bell.]

Netherlands    Denmark    Norway    Sweden

1915    1917 1915    1917 1915    1917 1915    1917

Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl. Feb. Mar. Apl.
108 140 176 38 27 62 60 118 105 23 23 33 46 78 43 28 24 27 61 71 64 13 8 7
424 127 283 79 167 79 196 28