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Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." The Federal Republic of Germany has acceded to this Declaration of Human Rights and so we claim the rights guaranteed by Article 19 as internationally acknowledged protection against the censorship that has recently been aimed at our site by the Federal Republic, in particular by the "Federal Office for the Investigation of Youth-Endangering Media"!

The Myth of German Villainy. Benton L. Bradberry. PDF format! Neither Kaiser Wilhelm nor Adolf Hitler wanted war. Both WWI and WWII were thrust upon Germany by the Allied powers. Germany's great sin was emerging too late as a consolidated nation-state and upsetting the long established balance of power scheme in Europe. The already established great powers, Britain, France and Russia, joined together in 1914 to destroy this new rival. When Germany rose phoenix-like from the ashes of WWI to again become a great power, they finished the job with WWII. The deliberate destruction of Germany during the Second World War can only be compared to the Roman destruction of ancient Carthage, and it was done for the same reason – to destroy a commercial rival. The "official" history of World Wars I & II, the story we learned in school, is a myth.
      ONLY available here as PDF download!

The Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland. Edited and published by order of the Foreign Office and based upon documentary evidence. Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt. In the first days of September 1939 an almost indescribable murder spree was visited on the German minority in Poland – innocent people whose only crime was that they were Germans who had not left their ancestral homelands after these were given to Poland by the so-called "peace" treaty of Versailles in 1919. These murders became known as "Bloody Sunday of Bromberg" but took place in uncounted other cities and towns of Poland as well. The Poles, incited to blood frenzy by a rabble-rousing propaganda spread by press, radio and the pulpit alike, slaughtered German men and women, old people, cripples, the sick, and children, even infants, in many cases mutilated them – some were even buried alive. Many thousands of murder victims, tens of thousands of missing who (in the absence of any trace of them) must be assumed to have been murdered as well – so-called "German" post-war governments sweep them under the rug, trivialize them, deny their very existence and horrible death to this very day. This book from 1940 documents these gruesome crimes with eyewitness accounts from survivors, with findings from criminal proceedings, forensic reports, and not least of all with a collection of photographs of some few of the horribly butchered victims that are enough to turn one's stomach: sensitive readers have been warned!

The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany. Dr. Arthur Pillans Laurie. This rare 1939 treatise gives the view of National-Socialist Germany that the author, a Scottish scholar, developed during his time inside Hitler's Third Reich. Far from being the sort of hateful diatribe that was the common British judgement in those days, this book gives an insightful overview of National Socialism and of the domestic and foreign-political state of Germany less than 100 days before the outbreak of World War Two.

Concentration Camp Money: 'Lagergeld' used to Pay Prisoners for Their Work. Jennifer White. Far from being the "death camps" as you have heard so often, places like Auschwitz, Dachau and Buchenwald were not in the business of extermination. They were work camps, critical to the German war effort. But did you know that the Jewish workers were compensated for their labor with scrip printed specifically for their use in stores, canteens and even brothels? Here is the story of the money the court historians do not want you to even suspect existed.

The Czech Conspiracy: a Phase in the World-War Plot. George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers. This book is a Captain of the Royal Dragoons' 1938 account of the situation in Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland, addressing the questions of who wanted war; why; who would profit by it; and how was England concerned? This is the exposé which might have triggered popular resistance in England to British involvement in the War - if only more Englishmen and -women had read it!

Czecho-Slovakia Within. Bertram de Colonna. The state of Czechoslovakia as it was created under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was an ethnographic Babel fated to fail under a central leadership characterized by intolerance of its minorities. The Czech destruction of the German and other minorities resulted in an erosion of the economic and social structure long before the state finally disintegrated with the Sudeten-'Anschluss'. In this 1938 study the author traces the origins and development of the minority problems and proposes what might have been a peaceful solution - if it had not fallen on deaf ears at Prague.

Death in Poland: the Fate of the Ethnic Germans. Edwin Erich Dwinger. Translation by Heather Clary-Smith of The Scriptorium. The expulsion and mass murder of the ethnic Germans before and at the start of World War Two in Poland was by no means restricted to the Bloody Sunday of Bromberg, a massacre that is all too often downplayed or even denied outright today. This book, dating from 1940 and published here for the first time in English to commemorate the 65th anniversary of these events in September 2004, lets the reader experience almost first-hand the terrible fate of tens of thousands of ethnic Germans in Poland in September 1939. A shameful blot on the pages of Polish history, for all Polish post-War generations to bear for all time!

Documents on the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans: Survivors speak out. Edited by the Study Group for the Preservation of Sudeten German Interests. The end of World War II marked the beginning of one of the most gruesome genocides in history: the expulsion and destruction of the Sudeten German ethnic group as it existed at that time in the border districts of Czechoslovakia, a country that had been established in 1918 by the victors of World War I. In a scandalous perversion of every sense of justice, the post-War Federal German governments have kept this genocide hushed up: the truth about this racially-motivated extermination, perpetrated by Czechs upon Germans in the wake of WWII and never atoned for, is considered undesirable! German victims are politically incorrect and evidently their place is under the carpet. This book is a translation of almost 400 survivor accounts of this ethnic cleansing that expose this crime against humanity in its entire horrible extent - a long-overdue memorial to almost 2 million expelled and murdered ethnic Germans.

The Facts About the Origins of the Concentration Camps and Their Administration. Stephen A. Raper. Here's a fascinating look at the concentration camp system inside Third Reich Germany, devoid of the hysteria often associated with the subject in Hollywood films and in the "mainstream" media and academia. This article may be the first-ever detailed examination of the concentration camp system, presenting a far different picture from what we've been told.

German Colonization Past and Future: The Truth about the German Colonies. Dr. Heinrich Schnee. After the First World War Germany was forced by the Treaty of Versailles to give up her colonies; the misappropriation of the colonies by the Allies was justified to the world with the mendacious claims that Germany had proven herself incapable and unworthy of governing native peoples. In this book Dr. Heinrich Schnee, the late Governor of German East Africa, refutes this "Colonial Lie" with hard facts and throws upon the subject a very different light from that in which it was shown by Allied wartime propaganda.

Germans helped build America - and how has America repaid them? Heinrich Piebrock. Translation by Victor Diodon of The Scriptorium. This booklet describes the contribution of German immigrants to the United States and to America's struggle for independence and development - and it also shows how the American leadership elite betrayed this ethnic group that contributed so much to the American rise to world power.

Germany's 1923 Hyperinflation: A "Private" Affair. Stephen Zarlenga. The great German hyperinflation of 1922-23 is one of the most widely cited examples by those who insist that private bankers, not governments, should control the money system. What is practically unknown about that sordid affair is that it occurred under control of a privately owned and controlled central bank!

The Great Patents Heist. John Nugent. One of the greatest ripoffs of all time was the theft of German patents after World War II. From saccharin and aspirin to refrigeration, radio and space flight technology, the victorious Allies ensured their post-War scientific lead and prosperity by simply stealing German inventions - literally thousands of tons of patents. As one gloating Washington bureaucrat put it, it was "the first orderly exploitation of an entire country's brain power."

Hidden Historical Fact: The Allied Attempt to Starve Germany in 1919. Fred Blahut. If one word could describe Germany during the immediate aftermath of World War I, it would be "starvation." Even after an armistice ended World War I, some 900,000 German men, women and children were starving to death - a tragedy deliberately caused by the continuation of a wartime British naval blockade for eight months after the end of the war!

A History of the Blockade of Germany and of the countries associated with her in the Great War: Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey. Archibald Colquhoun Bell. "The Blockade of Germany lasted from 1914-1919 and was a prolonged naval operation by the Allied Powers during and after World War 1 in an effort to restrict the maritime supply of raw materials and foodstuffs to the Central Powers. It is considered one of the key elements in the eventual allied victory in the war." [Wikipedia] Various sources put the blockade's death toll at anywhere from 350,000 to over a million, yet few make any mention of the fact that most of these deaths were among the civilian population, not among the fighting forces which would have been the Allies' only legitimate targets for military operations. Further, the blockade was continued fully eight months after an armistice ended hostilities; as such, we see the Allied Blockade of the Central Powers as one of modern history's little-known great crimes against humanity. This book, an official British publication issued in 1937, details the operations of the Blockade in a chillingly objective manner. The occasional cynical and two-faced remarks by the author round out the official British version of these operations.

Holocaust at Dresden. George Fowler. A half century has passed since February 13-14, 1945. Overnight, one of Europe's great meccas of art and culture, a city that had become a hospital center for German, American and British wounded that housed many thousand Allied prisoners of war, and that had become a haven to refugees fleeing the Red Army, was bombed into oblivion. But the perpetrators of one of history's great outrages were to receive the laurels of glorious victory rather than a place in the war crimes dock.

In Defence of Germany. G. E. O. Knight. This 1934 brochure is the first-hand account of an Englishman who visited National-Socialist Germany in its early days. G. E. O. Knight recorded his observations in this booklet which exposed many of the lies and fabrications of the British Press that were aimed at discrediting the new German regime even in its infancy. The author's declared purpose was for his work to help bring about "Justice for Germany and World Peace". 75 years later, we still have neither...

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D. Who "fired the first shot" of the Second World War? Long before the government of the Third Reich began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on the "New Germany" at a time when the U.S. government and even the Jewish leaders in Germany were urging caution!

Long Night's Journey Into Day: The Death March of Lowicz. Erhard Wittek. Translation by Heather Clary-Smith of The Scriptorium. This book from 1940, translated here into English, is the story of a survivor of the September 1939 Death March of Lowicz. The events recounted here stand symbolically for the experiences of any and all of the many thousands of ethnic German victims of Polish persecution before and at the beginning of WW2. Erhard Wittek's book is no doubt one of the most moving accounts of this tragedy ever written. What you will see in these pages are not only the unfathomable depths that human beings can sink to, but also composure and greatness of soul in the face of a fate worse than death.

The Marshall-Plan Hoax: Marshall Plan vs. Robbery, Murder and Destruction? An Eternal Mockery of the German People! Karl Baßler. "The Marshall Plan was the American occupiers' noble and generous gesture to their defeated WW2 enemy, providing massive financial and material aid to help economic recovery. The Germans owe their American supporters a debt of eternal gratitude." So the story goes to this very day... but reality looked rather different! In this article, an academically accredited economist sheds an entirely new light on this financial-political affair which turns out to have been nothing more than grand-scale theft and destruction in humanitarian disguise!

The National Socialist Stand on Christianity and Hitler and the Church. Article by Rev. Thomas D. Schwartz, and a speech by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis are sometimes portrayed as ardent foes of Christianity. But what were the true facts in this controversial matter? This article, as well as the Führer's speech of January 30, 1939 (added by The Scriptorium as a supplement to Rev. Schwartz's study), reveal some facts on this topic which are just as surprising as they are little-known.

Poland from the Inside. Bertram de Colonna. In this rare book from 1939, a British observer who traveled in Poland shortly before World War Two broke out gives a telling account of the historical, economic, social and political conditions in this country. The ethnographic patchwork nature of the State of Poland, the Poles' violation of their treaty obligations with respect to the Free City of Danzig, and the comprehensive repression of the ethnic minorities (German and other) in Poland continue to be downplayed or denied outright today, yet Colonna shows that these were major factors in precipitating the war.

President Wilson's Vision of Peace as Expressed in his Speeches and Acts of State. Documents in parallel English and German format! During WWI the American President Woodrow Wilson saw himself as the broker of a lasting peace that would "make the world safe for democracy", yet this collection of documents should be subtitled "The Utopian Fantasies of a Hopelessly Naive Man". Was the American President really so disconnected from reality and ignorant of human nature? Wilson's lofty ideals became the foundation of the Treaty of Versailles, which was in every way so diametrically opposed to his vision of peace that it is difficult to imagine a greater contrast. And we must ask: why and by whom were Wilson's wishful dreams twisted into the hateful construct that ensured that peace never even had a chance? PDF to download. 385 Kb.

Quotes from Yesterday and Today: Comments and Perspectives to Ponder. Compiled by The Scriptorium. Updated and expanded whenever we have the time to do so. ;-) This is a collection of quotations, maxims, aphorisms, proverbs, comments and wise words from yesterday and today - some ironic, some sarcastic, some profound, some funny - from greats throughout the world: historians, politicians, artists, philosophers, scientists, military men - and even from persons unknown - whose insights (sometimes unintentionally) shed light on the problems underlying our modern-day society! Listed alphabetically by name of person quoted.

Stalin's Secret War Plans: Why Hitler Invaded the Soviet Union. Richard Tedor. When the German armed forces invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, Berlin described the offensive as preemptive in the face of imminent Soviet aggression. The claim was generally dismissed as Nazi propaganda. Recently disclosed evidence from Soviet sources, however, indicate that Moscow's foreign policy was indeed anything but governed by neutrality when Europe went to war in 1939.

Sudeten German Inferno. The hushed-up tragedy of the Sudeten Germans. Ingomar Pust. Translation by Victor Diodon of The Scriptorium. This book sheds light on the deeply shocking tragedy of what happened to the Sudeten Germans, an ethnic minority in Czechoslovakia, after the end of World War Two. Following a concise introduction to the history of German-Czech relations, it describes the genocide committed by the Czechs on the Sudeten Germans after 1945. The horror of this sadistic danse macabre that took place in Czechoslovakia in full view of an uncaring world can perhaps never be conveyed in its full extent.

The Unknown History of the 1939 German-Polish Conflict: A Brief Synopsis. W. R. An overview of the roots of Polish Germanophobia and its role in the outbreak of World War Two.

Warsaw Under German Rule: German Reconstruction and Development in the District of Warsaw. Dr. Ludwig Fischer. Translation by Heather Clary-Smith of The Scriptorium. When one speaks of the "Polish Campaign" of 1939, one usually thinks only of the destruction of a Polish cultural center. Who still knows today about the German history of this city, and about the German reconstruction efforts that repaired the war damage in the "General Government" and in many cases even improved matters far beyond the pre-war standard? This book from 1942 is a historical documentation of German reconstruction efforts in the District of Warsaw and discusses the development of its administrative structure, the justice system, policies of economics and food supply, health and education systems, German cultural life in Warsaw, and much more that most people have never even heard about today.

Was Hitler Really a Dictator? Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe. Translation by Victor Diodon of The Scriptorium. This is the first-hand account of a nobleman who knew Adolf Hitler personally and who paints a picture of the German Führer and his time that stands in glaring contrast to that painted by the Establishment. Translation of issue 86 of the series "Kritik: Die Stimme des Volkes".

What Germany has paid under the Treaty of Versailles. Prof. Lujo Brentano. The assertion that Germany did practically nothing towards the fulfilment of her WWI reparation obligations was one of the favourite weapons in the armoury of Germany's continuing adversaries. This 1923 survey details the staggering reparations that were in fact paid from 1919 to 1922, and also shows how the Entente worked to minimize these payments by underrating their fair value and refusing to credit some altogether. A fascinating statistical look at one of the early attempts to bleed Germany dry!

What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939. Dr. Friedrich Stieve. As early as 1933 (and to this very day) Germany's enemies have maintained that Adolf Hitler was the greatest disturber of peace known to history. But Hitler's repeated attempts to induce the governments of other states to collaborate with him in a reconstruction of Europe are an ever-recurring pattern in his conduct. These attempts were wrecked every time because nowhere was there any willingness to give them due consideration. This synopsis from 1940 gives a brief overview of Hitler's various peace plans from the early days of the Third Reich until after WW2 had already broken out - and it also shows how these efforts at preserving peace were thwarted by those who... simply did not want peace.

Who Broke the Disarmament Treaty of Versailles? Declaration of the Government of the German Reich. Fichtebundblatt No. 741. We'll let the statistic speak for themselves...

Why 7000 Children Had to Die: The Cruel Fate of German Refugees in Denmark. Article from the Hamburger Abendblatt. So much for the Danish claims that German civilian refugees at the war's end were treated decently!

Worm in the Apple: German traitors and other influences that pushed the world into war - The little-known story of the men who destroyed Adolf Hitler's Germany. Friedrich Lenz. Translation by Victor Diodon of The Scriptorium. Entire books have been written on the topic of "why Germany lost the War" - or, conversely, "why the Allies won". This booklet exposes a vitally important, but often underestimated factor: the German traitors who worked to destroy the German Reich from within. Their attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944 was only the tip of the iceberg. More and more, it appears that the Allies would not have been victorious without their help - and that, in fact, the war might never even have come about without their machinations!

200 000 Sudeten Germans too many! The Czech War of Extermination against 3.5 million Sudeten Germans and its ethnopolitical consequences. Kurt Vorbach.

Hitler's Attempts at an Understanding with England. Dr. jur. Heinrich Rogge.

English editions of some photo volumes from our German archive: if a picture is worth a thousand words, we're working on a few million. :-)

... and a great many more!